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I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

I try to ignore the business men talking into bluetooths, the taxis honking, the kids pestering parents, everything.

I get the tune into my head and put my fingers on the first chords.

I strum and start to sing,

"For a while we pretended, that we'd never have to end it, but we knew we'd have to say goodbye."


At that thought, my voice got a bit shaky.

I open my eyes and continue to sing.

I watch people pass me, without even a second look.

I look at Katie as she gives me a thumbs up.

I get to Calum's part, "I could fly a thousand oceans, but there's nothing that compared to what we had and so I walk alone," My voice becomes more confident with each note. Do it for Luke.

1, 2, then 8 pedestrians stop to watch.

"Wherever you are." I finish.

I hear applause and I smile at the crowd.

Then I see a familiar face.

No no no no.

Katie must've told him where we were or something, because Calum Hood just saw me sing one of his band's songs.


"Woo! Go Carter!" He exclaimed.

I blushed, oh god this is so embarrassing I could just die.

I just rejected him, and now he's clapping for me, this boy is so weird.

I stand and bow.

"Sing another song!" Someone in the back said.

I grinned and thought for a second.

Well, no way in hell am I doing another 5 Seconds Of Summer song, that would be way too awkward.

Then I think of the perfect song.

"This is Heart By Heart by Demi Lovato." I announce.

I start to strum out the notes.

The first time I heard this song, I fell in love. It reminded me of Luke so much. I practiced it all the time because I wanted to sing it to Luke... But now I can't.

I feel like I'm about to cry, but I mange to hold it in.

"When your soul finds the soul it was waiting for, when someone walks into your heart through an open door, when your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold, don't let go."

I start to feel a small smile fall onto my face.

Maybe this is what god intended. Maybe Luke was right, maybe I should move on.

People continuously put money into my guitar case. At this point, I'm positive we have enough for one night at a motel, thank god.

"No, there's no one else's eyes, that can see into me," My eyes meet Calum's and he grins at me.

I smile back. My long time celebrity crush likes me, why am I running from it? I should be greatful.

First things first, he has to win me over, I'm not about to give in easily like all the other girls.

I finish the song and everyone applauds.

"Thanks, you've been a great crowd!" The crowd disperses minus the handful that put more money into my case.

I thank the majority of people donating to my pathetic cause, then look at Katie.

"You did great, and I'm sure Calum would agree," she winks.

I roll my eyes, "He probably thinks I'm an amateur, I mean I almost cried in the middle of my performance."

"On the contrary, Carter. I thought its amazing how into the music you get, its something you can't find in all the mainstream musicians these days," Calum says from behind me.

I turn around, shocked to see he didn't leave right after I finished.

"Well, thanks." I said, unsure of how to feel about the comment he made.

"The music is more meaningful when the singer gets emotionally involved with the lyrics, and I thought it made the song even more beautiful. You're really talented, if I do say so myself." He smiles kindly.

This is not at all the attitude I thought a pop star- oh, excuse me, pop rock star- like himself would have.

"Thats really nice, thank you." I awkwardly say. I get uncomfortable when people compliment me, like do you want me to compliment you back or do you want a thank you, I don't know.

That huge description was kinda unnecessary but oh well.

"I know I've said this before, but maybe this time you'll take me up on it... But I'd really like to get to know you better, Carter."

Follow me on twitter: @punkespinxsa

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