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I watch as the girl walks away, shocked.

What does she mean, 'I'll only bring you down with me,' or whatever. What's wrong with her?

I hear a sigh and see the girl that was sitting beside her.

"I'm sorry about her, she hasn't been the same for a while," She apologized.

"What do you mean?" I question.

She sighs again, "Her boyfriend committed suicide recently... she's just trying to cope with the pain, you know? It's hard on her, she's always been pretty fragile. She tries not to show any emotion but anger and annoyance now, and it's tough to stand by and watch as she falls apart. I love her to death, and I don't want her to be sad anymore."

I take it all in. That poor girl, she just had the heartbreak of a lifetime.

"Were they really close?" I stupidly ask. Of course they were close, they were dating.

"They spent all their time together, the love was literally radiating off them. When he died, she just went brain dead. She was so lost and sad without him, she just stopped doing anything and everything. She didn't sleep, eat, talk, nothing. Honestly, the only thing I could do to get any emotion from her, is play your music. So, thanks I guess. Also, I don't think you should give up on her, because I know she wouldn't want you to, even if it seems like she does. Her walls are just built up high, and if you can get past them, she'll open up to you. Trust me, I know her better than she knows herself. And if you break her heart, you'll have hell to pay. God knows thats the last thing she needs in her broken state." Her friend explained.

"Wow. Thanks, uh. What's your name?" I say, pausing a bit.

"Katelyn, but call me Katie." She sticks out her hand, so I shake it politely.

"Nice to meet you." I say, trying my best to be friendly so she will let me get close to Carter. If I were to seem like a jerk, she wouldn't let me near her.

"Same to you. I should probably get going, Carter is probably in the car. Here, give me your phone." She requests.

I hand it to her and wait as she types in a few things.

"Done. Now you have both of our numbers. And... please, be good to her. She acts big and tough, but she's just an insecure little girl on the inside. It was amazing to meet you, I've loved your band for ages now, Carter and I are huge fans! I have to go, but thanks for everything!" She finishes, and walks over to a car and gets in.

I see her and Carter talking for a bit, and then Carter looks over to me, with surprise written on her face.

Carter's POV:

I get in the car and sit for a few seconds, then get a text from Katie.

One sec im gonna go in a gift shop, stay in the car pls, ily

Of course, she just had to get some sort of remembrance on the first day we're here.

So I sit in the car and wait for Katie.

Why is she taking so long?!

I sit for 5 more minutes, checking twitter and tumblr. I sigh loudly and look up, just as Katie opens the door.

"Sorry, it was a big store. And, uh, I talked to someone." She mumbled.

"Oooooooh, a boy?" I pretend to be excited, but feel a stab in my chest.


"Well, sort of... but he wasn't interested in me. It was Calum." She said, and was about to turn the car on, but i stopped her.

"You did WHAT?" I yell.

"Look, I'm sorry, but he's really nice, and it's been your dream to meet him! And he wants to get to know you so I... I kind of... gavehimyournumberI'msorry" She said the last sentence in a rush, but I heard it clearly.

"WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU?! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I scream at her.

"Stop! He called you beautiful. He didn't even care that you were rude to him! Can't you see he isn't some jerk?! He asked me about you, he wants to talk to you, after you REJECTED HIM! Just talk to him. For me." Katie says, extremely pissed off.

I look to the bench we we're sitting at, surprised and see Calum still sitting there.

A mad Katie, is an honest Katie. She never gets mad, and if she does, you know she has good reason.

"Fine, but it's not because I want to. You're lucky I love you." I huff.

He better not be a stuck up famous guy thats just going to ditch me because I've had enough of moping around.


The song of this chapter is Stars by Grace Potter and The Nocturnals because it describes Carter and Luke's situation :)

Follow me on twitter: @punkespinxsa

or my personal: @asdfghjklAnnika

I love you guys, like a lot.



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