-1- That One Day

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It's 7p.m and I'm getting ready to go to the mall with my best friends. My boyfriend Kevin, Mabelle my childhood best friend and her boyfriend James are gonna be here in a few minutes .

I finished putting some eyeliner, and while i was putting on some lipstick the door bell rang...

I ran to open the door. Kevin was wearing some black jeans and a blue T-shirt he was hot as always. Mabelle was wearing a cute skirt with a red top and her boyfriend was wearing blue jeans and a black shirt.

I smiled at them, hugged my boyfriend and gave him a kiss on the lips. He kissed me back how sweet and hot it was.

But oh hell, i forgot that i just put on my pink lipstick. His lips are now pink. We all laughed and he didn't know what we were laughing at. Then we told him to look in a mirror ...

"You're stunning babe , as always" he said.

"Ohh baby you're not so bad yourself" I flirted back.

"Guys we're late , you two can flirt later" Mabelle said while rolling her eyes.

Mabelle took James's hand and walked to the car ,Kevin put his hand around my waist then we walked behind them .

James decided to drive and Mabelle sat next to him. So me and Kevin sat in the backseat.

"Guys do you wanna watch a movie ?" Mabelle asked.

"Yeah great idea" I said nodding my head .

"We can watch a horror movie" my boyfriend said smirking. Damn i love that smirk he's so perfect.

"NO ! A ROMANTIC MOVIE" My best friend and I shouted .

"No girls please not a romantic movie, James why are you so quiet ? What do you say ? What kind of movie should we watch ?" Kevin said

We all turned our attention towards James, Mabelle pouted she looked like a lost puppy looking at her boyfriend : "Sorry man but I'm gonna vote for a romantic movie I can't resist that cute little face"

"YAY I LOVE YOU BABE" Mabelle said and then leaned and kissed her boyfriend's cheek. I looked at them smiling then said to Kevin "That's okay babe, next time I promise you we're gonna watch the movie that you want." He just smiled and nodded.


We arrived to the mall, James parked the car then we all got out of the car and headed toward the entry. I think we're gonna spend a great night .

Arrived there, we walked, we ran, we laughed, we ate, we had a lot of fun and then we chose a film and bought tickets. I'm not gonna tell you the film's name. Mabelle was so happy. She loves hanging out with us, the squad. James said with a spoiler voice "Oh, i've heard about this film it's pretty fun. It's a story of ..." Then Mabelle jumped on his back and shouted " SPOILER ALERT STOP I DON'T WANNA HEAR A SINGLE WORLD"


Told y'all she is so happy; she never shouted in public unless she's happy.

We entered the cinema and then Kevin went out to buy me a mocha caramel for me from starbucks as i love them. God, why is he so sweet.

10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes passed and Kevin wasn't back. What happened ? Where is he? Why isn't he back yet?

"Guys, did anyone see where Kevin had disappeared?" I said

" He went out to buy a smoothie and a mocha caramel from starbucks but i guess he isn't back" said James

Then the film started and he wasn't back. I called him

"Please answer Kevin, please" i whispered in a worried voice.

"Em, don't worry, maybe there is a lot of people there and don't forget they have security all around the mall so nothing will happen don't worry. Just enjoy the film he's not gonna disappear like that" told me Mabelle randomly but she comforted me a lil bit.

"But Mab I can't I'm so worried, I need his warm hands around me"

"He's a strong man, he knows how to defend himself don't worry"

"Ok" I said while rolling my eyes and looking back at my phone.

Crap, Kevin hasn't answered my phone call. I called him another time. I'm so worried. Then after approximately 15 seconds he answered, but instead of hearing his soft and amazing voice i heard someone in the background...


++ i'm sorry if you'll find mistakes in the story but it's just my first time writing a story xxx

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