-21- Coded Dream

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[Unedited Chap]

Emily's POV

"Katy stop I can't breath." I heard Ricky saying.

How? What did he just said? Huh. He deserves it. Kissing a slut to create more drama between couples. This is the result.

"What do you mean baby." said Katy, still kissing him.

He pushed her as hard as he could and she landed on the floor.

"I'm serious I can't breath. I'm having serious troubles Katy ... C-c- ... C-c- call ..." He said trying to breath as he fell down the chair he was sitting on.

Katy got paralyzed and surprised and she started shouting and running in the restaurant.


"This is what happens when you won't stop kissing him." Said an unknown person

"This is what happens to arrogant assholes, to be honest" said another person

"I've heard a lot about this guy he's a player he kisses nearly everybody. He once kissed a boy too." Acclaimed another person

"To be freacking honest, he deserves it. He manipulates girls........." Said another person.

"Y'all don't have feels. He's a human. Please call an ambulance!!" Said Katy

Wow, all these words spoken by these people proves that Ricky Azzi is a famous player. I'm so surprised.

"Guys, I'm surprised." Said Mabelle. Honestly I haven't never thought of what Ricky's life looked like.

"I didn't know all these people know him and his games." Added Kevin.

"Same tho, I thought he was just a player not a famous one." I added. "He's an asshole too."

I saw all these people standing around him and Katy trying to save him by french kissing him.

We heard a sound coming .... Oh

The ambulance arrived. They parked their car as it was still turned on. 4 of the nurses carried Ricky as we heard one of them saying. "Oh crap. Again, it's Ricky Azzi having breathing problems."

"It's not the first and last time I guess." Another nurse said.

"Huh, this is what happens to players like him." Said the third nurse.

"I'm sure he was kissing a gurl, look at his bottom lip, it's red." Added the last nurse.

"What's wrong with the world and Ricky." Yelled Katy "From where do these people know his story? I don't even know it."

Then I took off my wig and faced her.

"He's a player. You are his employee. He kisses nearly everybody. He let me fall for his charm and he kissed me too as he did with you. You are welcome for the information."

"Who are you?!" She groaned

"You know I saw you once in my dream. I think you got to know Ricky suddenly. You were walking on the beach as you walked towards him and started playing your bitchy games? Right?"

"Er... Uh.. Yeah bu- ..."

"Oh and as you saw him he kissed you on your lips and you started playing with his cheeks and hair!" I added smartly. I'm proud of me.

"Wait, how do you know that?" She said while shaking.

"I saw you in my dream. First I thought it was just a random dream until I saw you here with Kevin. And I confirmed that you exist." I answered.

"I still don't know? Who are you?" Was all she could add

"I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream."

Okay okay I know I use this line a lot but I can't help it. It's goals

"What?" She asked

She was shaking. I felt pity for her. But no. She's a bitch. She pushed herself into this trouble. When I say 'into this trouble' I mean 'into Ricky Azzi'.

He's trouble

I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

Flashback to the cinema. When I got to meet Ricky Azzi or Trouble.

I saw that human. I focused on him instead of focusing on the film. He saw me focusing on him. He started laughing. He approached.

His smile was stunning. A beautiful mouth with natural pink lips that hided his beautiful big white teeth.

Gosh their whiteness is brighter than my future.

He was wearing blue jeans and a yellow coat. Gosh how hot he was.

I started getting butterflies as he arrived and sat on the chair next to mine and started asking me questions that I answered quickly and wrongly because of the excitement.

After I was shaking and giving him the wrong answers, He took me to the darkest corner of the cinema, I didn't know what he was gonna do until he put his soft lips on mine. That first kiss. My stomach was crashing. It felt like I was in a dream.

Mabelle and James haven't noticed nor my absence nor Ricky Azzi. And Kevin was outside the cinema because he forgot his ticket with me.

End of the flashback

"Memories. How fast the night changes."

Then I saw Katy crying. I didn't know bitches like her cry.

"I swear whoever you are I'm not a bitch. I'm an innocent human. I photoshop myself for attention. I lost my fiancee 3 days before the wedding. I cried a lot. I wanted to forget him. I wanted to ignore the pain that is haunting me. I wanted a new beginning. I thought Kevin would be my new beginning but I lost him because I thought he liked the bitchy kind of gurls so I tried to be one but I'm not. Trust me. And I saw Ricky after I left Kevin on the beach as He kissed me as soon as he saw me and told me his plan against Emily Trainor." She admitted while crying. "I swear I'm a good girl."

I was shocked ...

A/N: hii!!
Everything is changing in this story. Katy isn't a bitch she's innocent!! How shocking!!
What do you think is Katy's story like?
Will she become friends with the squad?
(By squad I mean Emily,, Mabelle and Kevin.)
Oh and btw Kevin and Emily are now good friends right?
Okay next chapter coming monday <3 or maybe sooner ;)

Remember vote, share and comment <3

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