-22- Non-Slut

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This chapter is unedited

Emily's POV

Did I just hear what she said? Am I hearing right? Have I gotten deaf? She lost her fiancee 3 days before the wedding? How compelling and sad that could be.

And the most shocking part is that she isn't the one who I thought she were, she isn't the slut I dreamt of, she is a good girl who lost her fiancee 3 days before the wedding.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I whispered with a lil tear rolling down my cheek. "I'm really really so sorry."

"It's not your fault. It's okay I got used to. I lost my love and now everybody hates me." She told me, still crying.

"I don't." I hugged her tight.

Should I tell her that I am that Emily Trainor, the one that Ricky told her about? I need to reveal the truth.

"I am Emily Trainor." I added

She was shocked. She starred at me for a while before adding. "What?" She was really shocked. Her face expressions were getting weird. "So you are the one that Ricky Azzi kissed in the cinema? You are the one that her boyfriend had dumped because of him?" She was thinking. "Do you wanna know what that asshole told me?"

"Don't you love him?" I asked curiously. I need to get rid of the people who are always playing with me. I need to make sure this isn't a part of his plan.

"I need to admit he is irresistible-.."She started

"We all know that, nearly everybody falls for his charm, I heard someone saying that he also kissed a boy once. He kisses everyone if he has a chance to." I interrupted

"When we met at the beach after the catastrophic date with Kevin, he walked towards me, asked for my name and kissed me instantly. I immediately felt for his charm as I mentioned before, I can't his lips were like heaven on mine. So he menaced me saying: 'I want you to be my girlfriend just to create more drama between a couple.'"

"Wait, he really did that? The drama he created isn't enough?" I asked surprised

"Yes, and He told me about his plan, and kissed me every few seconds so I would fall for his charm. And you know it's hard to resist. His lips are like wine and I got drunk."

"He did that to me. I understand."

"So first, I didn't accept. I didn't want to do that because I was heart-broken because of Kevin and also I didn't want to destroy lives. He told me that he wanted to do that to cause more Drama between Kevin and his ex-girlfriend. I refused again. But then he carried me and ran towards his car as he put his body on mine, got half naked and threatened to beat me."

"What the f*ck what the f*ck what the f*ck." I yelled

"I'm so sorry for insulting you and your friend while I was with Kevin. Please accept my apologies." She cried.

"It's okay."  I hugged her again.

I was so surprised by what Katy said. I'm also really shocked about Ricky's actions. When he said he loved me and he wanted to be my boyfriend, did he really mean it? Or he just said that to create more drama?

I am lost. I started to love him. Now I hate him.

I didn't know he was that much of an asshole. I don't wanna see him anymore. Even tho we aren't dating, he broke my heart. My little crush is an asshole. Everybody knows his games.

A very big sexy asshole

So many questions haunted my brain. Katy was crying. I wiped her tears and told her. "Stop crying, he isn't worth your tears. We need to find a way to stop him."

Then I took her hand as we walked toward Mabelle and Kevin who were sitting quietly on their phones. Kevin got disturbed by the fact that Katy is here, so did Mabelle. But I told them all of her story.

And I surely mentioned the part where Ricky threatened to beat her. Kevin got offended.

"He did the same with me sis." Said Mabelle To Katy.

"You felt for his charm yeah?" She asked

"Yes, it was 2 years ago when he dated me, he spent his time kissing me all over my body. First I liked it then I realized it was disgusting. He even did it in public. I was embarrassed. We were still dating until ... I don't wanna talk about it." She stopped

"It's okay I understand." Said Katy

"A player, a fucker, whatever you want." Added Kevin as he let a breath escape. "Okay now, he's in hospital, let's just stop talking about him." Added Kevin as he got bored of listening to what Ricky did.

"Yes between death or life." I said

Kevin really got tired of him, so he changed the subject.

"Did you ordered something?" Said Kevin "I'm hungry even tho I just finished my pasta."

The waiter came as he heard us and said "Do you want something?"

"Yes please, I'd like a chicken burger with medium fries and a medium coke." Told him Kev.

"Make them two." I added as I raised my finger.

"Do y'all want a specific lyric on your coke?" Asked us the waiter.

"Umm.. Do you Emily?" Asked me Kevin.

"Yes please, I'd like a Selena Gomez lyric." I said

"Same for me." Replied Kevin.

"Okay." Said the waiter and left.

"So Katy..." said Mabelle as she wanted to talk with her. "You seem cool. I like your lipstick."

"Thank you, I haven't heard it in a while. I lost my fiancee. The love of my life. I've been away society for a long time because I was heartbroken. I lost him 3 days before the wedding."

Oh I forgot to mention that line.

A/N: Everything is changing!!!
Do y'all think Kevin and Emily will get back together ? Since they're being good to each other ??
Writing a new Update!! Coming on Wednesday!!

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