-13- Anti-Kissing Girl

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Oh really? Am I hearing right? Do I have hearing troubles?

"Yours ?" I moaned "Bish please-"

"Mm nothing nothing, I was talking to myself." Said Ricky as he interrupted my fabulous comeback, well not that fabulous.

"WHAT DOES THAT ASSHOLE WANT?" Screamed Mabelle from the up stairs.


"UM MY NAME IS RICKY CUTIE PIE." Screamed Ricky to Mabelle.


"WE AREN'T FIGHTING" Mabelle screamed


"UGH OK. BUT DON'T FALL FOR THAT ASSHOLE. I DON'T WANT HIS GAME TO ..." Mabelle said. I didn't hear what she said after 'to'.

"What was between us, it was a mistake and it was a long time ago. Why is she still mad?" Told me Ricky

"But for her that mistake was enormous. You had hurt her a lot. Asshole." I added with an bad smirk.

"Let's not change the subject. Emily, I love you girl."

I'm blushing


"I love you." He said while approaching his lips to mine.

I put my finger on his lips. Omg they are so sweet. I started playing with his hair. I can't help. I'm falling for him. He is so damn charming. I can't help it Oh My God. Should I kiss him or not?

"What's wrong Em?" He whispered

"Not today prick"

"You are mine now. Kevin left you. You are single. I can kiss you right?"

"NO YOU CAN'T" screamed Mabelle From the kitchen.

Gosh how did she hear that? Haha I love her.


"What's stopping me from kissing her? And by the way how did you hear what i said?" Replied Ricky

"I don't want you to hurt Like you had hurt me two years ago."She replied back. "I don't want her to fall for your charm."

I heard her footsteps. She's coming down to talk to him.

"Oh you haven't changed. Still charming but still a player." She added

"Thanks. You saw me yesterday by the way. And we were dating 2 years ago. People change. Manners too. I love her, I don't want to let her go. I don't wanna lose her. I don't ......."  Said Ricky.

" I don't and I don't bla bla bla. You are gonna hurt her just as you had hurt me. I'm 103% sure." She replied.

He started walking around slowly. Is he thinking? And if he is, what is he thinking about? He pushed me against the wall hardly and started inching towards me.

"I'm gonna kiss her." Ricky said as he was Alerting Mabelle.

"Ricky Azzi. Why are you such a player, you two aren't even dating." She said proudly.

"Yes omg" I yelled

"We aren't dating? We are gonna celebrate our 1 week of being together." Lied Ricky

"What?" I said

"Ricky Fucking Azzi. I know you are lying. You are such a player. You two aren't dating. Stop." Said Mabelle. "Now why are you here?"

"I'm visiting Emily. Is there anything wrong with that?" Answered Ricky

"Umm yes. I just wanna know why your body is on hers. And Emily, push him away and react." replied Mabelle.

"Umm Please Ricky can you ... Move your body a little bit?"

"No. I love you Emily. I need you."

Mabelle got tired of that prick. She started walking away as she said. "Emily. Do what you wanna do, I'm not mad. I'm going to the kitchen. I'm gonna make some cupcakes". I think she is sad. Ricky approached his body to mine and his lips as well.

"And now, nothing is stopping us. Always"

"Sorry Ricky I can't." I ran away and went up to the kitchen.

"Emily... Er ... EM" shouted Ricky

"I love you too Ricky Bye." I said accidentally while running as fast as I could on the long stairs to the kitchen.

Now I think he's happy. I hope he'll leave me now. No he won't now he's sure that I want him too.

Arrived Next to Mabelle, I smelled that Delicious smell. Cupcakes 😻 my loves.

"MABELLE I LOVE YOU." I screamed happily.

"Thank you. So. Where is mister Ricky? Did you kiss him?" She answered

"No. You were sad when you walked away. So I ran away. I can't leave my best friend sad and be happy alone."

"Aw Emily. Thank you. I love you too."

She came and hugged me. I hugged her back. She was all covered by flour. Haha.

"But you know. If you want him, I'll accept It, I will always stay by your side and You already know what he's gonna do. So I guess you won't be sad or hurt" she lied.

"Mabelle I don't want him. And I don't want to leave my best friend sad while I'm kissing a player." I repeated.

"Oh so why did you say that you love him?" She said smirking.

She laughed

Omg how did she hear that. HOW OMG? This girl is unbelievable.

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