Chapter 4

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I woke up but didn't open my eyes. I was laying down on something soft and had hopes in falling back to sleep. The bed I assumed I was laying on smelled good, but it didn't smell like Cal.

I finally opened my eyes and was greeted with a dark room. The walls were painted a navy blue and the floors were a dark wood. I wondered if it was still nighttime. I looked around and found a window and found  one covered by a darkly shaded curtain. I could see light pouring out of the bottom of it, confirming that it was daytime.

I stretched for a while before I threw my legs over the bed. Like the rest of the room, the comforter was a dark blue. I walked over to the window and threw the curtains open. I squinted as I am greeted with the bright light. The window allows me to look onto the busy street below. I look out for a bit before I turn around and find the door.

I exit the room to find the rest of the place brighter than the room I was in. The walls were just a plain white, but the floors stayed consistent. My feet patted against against the cold floors as I wandered around.

I walked down the small hallways which only had two other doors. One almost exactly across from the one I came out of, and another further down from both of them. I didn't bother opening either as I walked past into what looked like a living room.

It had a love seat and an armchair that bother faced towards the large flat object which I didn't know the name of. There was also a glass coffee table and a dark rug. There was a dining table a few feet behind the love seat that looked to be for 4 people. I could see the kitchen as well which was barely its own room. The only thing really separating it was the small row of counters. It was in there I saw Cal.

"Hey," I greeted quietly. He jumped and turned around. I saw an egg drop to the floor and heard a crack. He let out a curse word and bent down to clean it up.

"Morning," he greeted as he stood back up to throw the egg away. He washed his hands and continued to stir whatever he was making. "I'm making breakfast, you can just sit down while it's getting ready."

"Okay, but what's this?" I pointed at the flat rectangular thing that sat on a wooden stand. Cal looked over here for a split second before turning back to bowl.

"That's a television, or a TV." He wiped off his hands before walking over to me. He picked up a small rectangular box. "This is the remote, it controls what comes onto the TV." He showed me how to press the red button to turn it on. I looked in amazement as people came onto the screen and were moving around.

"People record other people doing things, then transmit it to people's TVs so they can watch for entertainment. You get what I'm saying?" I shook my head. He laughed and handed me the remote. "Doesn't matter, I can explain later. Just click this button to flip through the channels till you see something that interests you."

"Thanks," I mumble, still looking at the TV in amazement. I turn to see Cal continue cooking. My face heats up as I realize he only has an apron covering his top half. I watch his back muscles move before averting my eyes back to the TV.

I start to smell something sweet. When Cal finishes cooking, he brings two plates and silverware over to the dining table. My eyes light up as I finally recognize what's in front of me.

"Pancakes!" I eagerly sit down and use my fork to stab the delicious cake in front of me. Cal gleams at me.

"Nice to now you weren't completely deprived." Cal opens a bottle of a dark liquid and pours it onto his pancakes. I don't know what it is, but I follow in his footsteps and pour some on mine too. I frown as the sticky substance gets on my hands, but as soon as I lick my fingers I moan. Cal looks at me in surprise.

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