Chapter 7

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Cal and I ended up going to the giant shopping mall again. This time we were buying clothes for Cal.

"Since I got a promotion, I actually need to wear more professional clothing. Like suits and stuff." He made a face. "Which is probably what the bonus was intended to go towards, seeing as suits are expensive as shit."

I looked down at my feet when I remembered that he had spent most of that bonus on me, "Sorry." He waved me off.

"Don't apologize, I don't regret it. Plus I forgot I had to buy suits and stuff in the first place, so it's all my fault." He gave me a reassuring smile and led me into a store. I sat down on one of the leather seats when Cal started talking to the older man who looked in charge. He had a measuring tape around his neck and was wearing a suit himself. He motioned for us to follow him to a more private area so we followed.

He measured Cal quickly before telling him to strip while he went to get more materials. Cal chuckled.

"Take me to dinner first, old man." I didn't understand the joke, but Cal seemed to find it funny and laughed harder at his own joke. He took off his pants so he was just in his boxers, then took off jacket to show a white T-shirt. I tried to make my eyes wander anywhere but him, but it only seemed to be more awkward than looking at Cal himself.

The old man came back with a black pair of slacks, a white button-up shirt, and a black jacket. He ordered Cal to put them on. He obliged while the old man wrote stuff down on a clip board. The pants were just long enough, but they were loose around Cal's waist. The man worked to put parts of fabrics and put pins where they were needed. While the man was feeling around for places that needed improvements, Cal winked at me.

I blushed and glared at him playfully. Cal laughed at my reaction but stopped when the man got upset and told him to hold still. I laughed when Cal apologized sheepishly.

The jacket seemed to fit Cal too tightly, he had to immediately take it off so he didn't rip it.

"Sorry for the bulging muscles sir," Cal falsely apologized. The man grumbled something incoherently and went back to retrieve a better fitting jacket. Cal laughed and winked again.

"Why do you keep doing that." I scowled at him.

"Because I like messing with you," Cal explained as he stretched his muscles. Both of his shirts rose so I could see the slight V-line before he dropped his arms again.

"You don't have bulging muscles," I decided to tease him. "And that man knows it too."

"Don't lie, you're both just underestimating my true strength. I would flex, but I like this shirt." Cal said playfully. I rolled my eyes before letting out a laugh.

The man came back with a correct-fitting jacket and finished up the alterations on Cal's suit. The man told Cal was done and would give a call when the other suits were finished being altered as well. Cal thanked the man before looking at me, then back at the man.

"Do you think you could get my friend fitted as well? With a nicer suit, not a daily, job use suit like I'm getting. I know we didn't make an appointment, but..." He asked the man with a sickly sweet voice. The man mumbled something about checking his schedule and went off towards the front counter.

"Why am I getting a suit? I don't need one," I tried to convince Cal who always seemed to be buying me something.

"Because, it might come in handy someday." We didn't get to say much more because the man came back saying that he had enough room to squeeze me in. He told me to go up on the platform and hold me arms out to my sides.

I stood as still as possible while the man measured me, I also made sure to glare at Cal who grinned back at me. After the man was done, he told me to strip.

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