Chapter 34

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I woke up cuddled into Cal's chest. He was breathing steadily and I could feel his heartbeat. His once styled hair was now flopping onto his face. The strands of hair moved with each breath he let out. I delicately brushed the hair away from his face. I breathed in deeply. He was close enough for me to get a whiff of his scent that I fell in love with.

Sunlight is pouring in through the window since we didn't close the curtains. It poured onto Cal's hair so it looked more of a chocolate brown. I leaned up onto my elbow. Cal only had the blankets to his waist. I delicately traced my fingers over his chest and arms. He squirmed a bit, but stayed asleep. I paused for a moment before I continued.

I leaned my head in closer before I kissed under his ear. I looked at his face to see if he had woken up, but his face had only altered a bit. I ran my hand softly over his back before tracing back to his chest and abs. I brought my hand lower, to wear the covers were. I traced warily and jumped when his eyes shot open. He saw it was me and let out a groan before stretching.

"That's not a good thing to do to a man before he wakes up," Cal commented. He kept his eyes closed after he stretched. I giggled and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth. He smiled a bit before it faltered. He was still sleepy as he rubbed his eyes.

"Going back to sleep?" He groaned.

"I don't know if I can." I giggled a bit. He opened his eyes only to glare at me playfully. "It's your fault, being so wild and all lately."

"I apologize. I'll stop now," I teased. He shook his head rapidly before closing his eyes again.

"No, it's fine. You can continue if you want. I'll pretend I'm sleeping." I laughed while he laid with his arms behind his head. Instead of bringing my hands back to his chest, I brought my lips instead. His eyes shot open again and he started to shake his head. "Never mind. I can't handle it. Nope." He threw the covers off and started towards the bathroom. I laughed while he continued to shake his head. He closed the bathroom door and I heard the shower start up.

I thought back to the events that happened the night before. My smile immediately faltered and I ran my hand through my hair. I felt terrible for just leaving Laura there. Who knows where Bill could have ran off to? What was going to happen after this? I didn't get more of a chance to think it through before Cal returned from the bathroom.

"So that party really sucked, didn't it?" I nodded. He forced a laugh and collapsed on the bed.

"Why did it suck for you?"

"Well one, you disappeared." I smiled and shrugged. "Second, my parents were there." My eyes widened while he just nodded. "Yeah, that was fun."

"Your parents were invited?"

"Well your parents and mine were once friends at some point."

"Exactly, 'were,'" I pointed out. He just let out a sigh and nodded.

"Yeah, it wasn't nice." I grabbed onto his hand and ran my thumb over it.

"What did they say to you?"

"The usual, mistake and all. And how non-heterosexual people are the problem of this world." I frowned, but didn't say anything yet. "Needless to say, I felt pretty good after the move you pulled yesterday." I blushed and looked away with a slight smile. He grabbed my chin to turn me back and pulled me towards him. He placed a soft kiss on my lips, and I was eager to kiss back. I tangled my hand his hair for only a second before he pulls away. He smiled at me while I glared back. I let out a sigh.

"I found out something." He raised his eyebrows and listened into what I had to say. I told him about what happened last night with Amanda, Bill, Laura, and Noah. His eyes seemed to widen with every word that came out of my mouth. I smiled a bit a looked down at the bed.

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