Chapter 11:

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Killian POV:

Another two weeks had gone by, and it was wonderful. I still brought her coffee in the mornings, sometimes we had lunch or dinner together. My favorite nights were when we ordered in at one of our houses. She seemed more open to me then.

But this Saturday, Emma was sick, terribly sick. She'd called me that evening.

"Killian, I think I've got some sort of stomach bug. I don't want to get you sick too, please. I'm sorry, I know we had plans-"

"Hey, it's okay." I interrupted her. "Do you have a fever?"

"Yeah. But it'll pass." She told me.

"Do you have medicine?" I asked. Silence.


"I'll get you some medicine and something to keep you hydrated, then I'll leave if you want." I offered.

"Killian you don't have to do that." She said. I could hear the misery in her voice. I knew what she was doing, she didn't want me to see her like that. But I didn't care, she needed someone to help take care of her.

"You can't leave the house in that state, I'll be over soon."

"Thank y-" she began, but then I could hear her throw up again.

Half an hour later, I was at her front door. She hadn't even locked it. Odd, she always did. I supposed it was the fever making her forgetful.

"Emma?" I called, no answer. I set the bags on the counter. I put the drinks I'd gotten her in the fridge, and unpacked the soup and crackers. After that I unpacked the bag of medicine. I'd bought something to help her stop throwing up, and something for her fever. Just in case, I'd also bought something to help her sleep and some peppermints. Throwing up could make someone's throat VERY sore.

Then I set off to find her. I walked into the bedroom and saw her leaned back against the bathroom door, eyes closed and breath quick. Her face was pale and sweaty.

"Emma?" I gently asked. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me. "There's some medicine in the kitchen when you're ready, I'll get it for you. I got you some soup too."

"Thank you, Killian." She hoarsely replied.

"How are you feeling?" I inquired.

"Like hell. Can I have that medicine now?" She said.

"Of course." Then she made to get up. "No, love, stay here. I'll be back."

She slumped back against the door and closed her eyes again, her breathing slowing down. I went to the kitchen and gathered all three medicines in my arms, along with something for her to drink. When I stepped back into the room, she was throwing up again. I set everything on the nearby dresser and walked over to her.

"Emma..." I sighed, feeling awful for her. I grabbed her hair to keep it out of the line of fire.

"Killian, I've got it." She told me.

"Let me help you." I pressed.

"I said I'm fine." She snapped at me.

"Okay." I said backing off. It frustrated me, but she was sick and not used to someone caring for her. So I kept my retort to myself and went to the kitchen again.

Once in there, I hunted down her can opener and went to open a can of soup.

"You are a difficult one, Swan." I mumbled to myself, focusing on getting the can open. Why did they make this so bloody difficult? It didn't help my mood. "No wonder Neal left you in prison, if you were like this with him."

I heard a gasp and my head shot up. Emma had silently followed me to the kitchen and was standing right on the other side of the bar.

"Emma..." I held my hands out as if afraid of frightening a wild animal. Because that was what she looked like, a wild animal ready to take flight. "I didn't mean that, I'm just frustrated."

Then she did what I was afraid of, she bolted for her bedroom. I chased after her but she slammed the door in my face. I heard the lock click as I silently cursed myself.

"Please, Emma, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I just let my frustrations get the better of me. You know I would never think you deserved what happened to you."

I was met with silence, as I deserved. I slumped down onto the floor but leaned against the door, still trying to talk to her.

"Please, come out. I hate myself for saying that."

But I knew there was no way she would let me in, I wasn't sure if she ever would again.

Emma POV:

I couldn't believe he'd said that. How could he? I let him in, and it didn't take long for him to let me down. I learned the hard way that once somebody let you down in a small way, they would do it over and over again in bigger ways. How could I trust him? What else did he think or say about me that I didn't know of?

I made myself get up off the floor. I looked at the medicine he'd brought me. I wanted to throw the bottles at his head, but I felt so beaten down from vomiting and fever. I took the medicine for fever and vomiting, but it was only seven right now. I could take the sleep aid in an hour or two. Instead, I crawled in bed with my phone and waited to see if I would throw up again. There wasn't anything left in my stomach, so hopefully it wouldn't happen again.

Indeed, two hours later I still hadn't thrown up again so I took the sleep aid and drank and entire bottle of water. Half an hour later, I slipped into blissful oblivion.

The next morning I woke up feeling fantastic. I was still sweaty but my fever had broken, and I no longer felt nauseous. I chose to take a shower to wash away the sweat and gross feeling, and it felt great. My body hurt from all the dry heaving I had done. The hot water helped relax my sore muscles.

After that I brushed my long hair and dressed in some comfortable clothes before going to open my door. I didn't expect a person to fall into my bedroom.

I didn't think Killian would stay, I definitely didn't think he would fall asleep at my locked bedroom door. It was sweet, but I was still furious with him. My walls had shot back up at that one little remark.

Once he hit the floor he groaned and then opened his eyes. When he realized I was standing over him with my arms crossed over my chest, his eyes went wide.

"Emma, please let me explain." He begged, standing up.

I couldn't look at him, I looked off to the side instead.

"Emma?" He reached out and tried to touch me. I flinched and took a step back. His hand went limp at his side and he sighed.

"I'm so sorry, I would never hurt you like that. I was just frustrated. You have to understand, I'm like you. I've never experienced a real relationship before, I'm still learning too. I was just a little hurt that you wouldn't let me help you, because I care about you so much. I let it get in my head."

He looked at me to gauge my reaction, I still couldn't look at him and I was now hugging myself.

"Emma, please. Let me back in, give me one more chance." He reached for my hand. This time I let him take it.

"Please look at me." He took my chin between the thumb and fore finger of his other hand, I let him guide my head to look up at him. He had tears in his eyes, and I got lost in them. He must have felt me release my tension because he took me in his arms and buried his face in my neck.

"I'm sorry." He said in a hoarse voice. I could tell he was fighting the urge to cry. No one had ever cried over me before.

I brought my arms up to encircle his back. He relaxed in my embrace and sighed in my ear.

"I won't ever do it again." He vowed.

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