Chapter 52:

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Killian POV:

The day finally came when we would learn the gender of the baby. Emma said she could feel that she was carrying a boy, I insisted that it was a girl, but secretly hoped it was a boy so that Emmett could really bond. Not that a boy and girl couldn't, but boys tend to stick together more. I remember how close I was with Liam growing up.

We sent Henry off to school, went to Granny's for breakfast, then made the drive to the doctor's office. Emma breathed heavily, she was clearly nervous.

"Love, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I never even had a mother of my own, Henry is older, but how do I get this baby that far?" She plead.

"You'll be fantastic. Listen to Elsa, trust your instincts. No one knows how to be a parent the first time it happens." I assured her.

"But most people have parents."

"Liam didn't, and he's doing wonderfully as a father. We hardly had our mother, and our father turned into an alcoholic abuser when she died." I reminded her.

"Emma Jones?" A nurse called.

"You can do this, you'll be an amazing mother." I kissed her.

She smiled in thanks and pulled me by the hand into the office.

Once again, my wife's stomach was covered in gel.

"Is that cold, love?" I asked her, watching the nurse squeeze as the tube made a squelching sound.

"No, actually they keep it warm over there." She pointed to a small machine. "It's really pretty relaxing."

"I've had patients fall asleep." The technician chimed in.

"Well, maybe we should look into getting one for ourselves. To help relax you when the baby gets here." I joked.

"Okay." Emma said in a serious tone.

I laughed.

"I'm serious. This stuff actually feels great. Have you never gotten a massage with warm lotion?" She asked me.

I shook my head and her eyes went wide.

"Couples massage, you and me. Today." She said.

For the next hour, the technician aimed the wand all over Emma's lower abdomen, which was now jutting out quite a bit. All the while Emma talked to both of us, mostly about the baby. We were shown the head, rump, feet, hands, and organs and bones. It was really pretty cool to see every part of the baby. I tried to make a guess myself about the gender, but the screen was black and white, and two dimensional.

"Okay, I'm all done. I'll go get your doctor so we can find out the gender." She smiled and walked out the door.

"Killian, can you wipe this stuff off me? It's cold now." She cringed.

"Sure." I said.

I found paper towels and wiped away.

"Uh, can't you feel that?" She raised an eyebrow and propped herself up on her elbows.

"What?" I stopped wiping.

She took my hand and pressed it lightly to her skin. I felt slight movement and stiffened.

"That's the baby." I simple said.

"Well, it's not gas." She smiled.

"Thats amazing. We just saw her and now she's moving."


"I still maintain it's a girl." I kept my hand on her stomach, and used the other to wrap around the back of the neck and I kissed her forehead.

At that moment, the doctor walked in.

"Okay you two, let's see what we have here." He sat down in front of the monitor, squeezed more gel out, and began to probe with the wand again. "Just out of curiosity, what are your guesses."

"Boy." Emma said.

"Girl." I answered.

"Well, they say moms are right most of the time. Looks like you're part of that statistic." He smiled and turned the screen to us to point out proof that our baby was a boy.

Emma POV:

I knew it, it was this insane gut feeling. One day I just woke up and knew I was having another son. From then on I refereed to the baby as he or him.

I looked right up at Killian and smirked.

"I told you to trust your instincts." He simply told me.

I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"I want to name him Liam." I said. I had been thinking about it for a while. Killian's brother had raised him to be the man he is, without Liam, I may not have even met my husband.

He looked taken aback.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"I've been thinking about it ever since I felt he was a boy." I confirmed.

"Okay, then I pick the middle name." He said.

"What do you have in mind?"


Now that knocked me for a loop. We were close with David and Mary Margaret, but they weren't THAT dear to us yet.

"I owe him you and the baby, and Henry. I might not have any of you if it weren't for him." He explained.

When I realized how much this meant to him, I nodded and he kissed me.

"Congratulations you two," the doctor said, and he handed us a long string of pictures of Liam, "I'll see you in two weeks." He nodded and we thanked him.

"So Liam David Jones." Killian smiled adoringly at the pictures.

"It sounds perfect." I confirmed.

David and Liam were overjoyed when we announced the name. We had all of our friends and family over to announce the gender of the baby, and had a small celebration. Mary Margaret cried a little, and Elsa beamed with pride. Things felt so unbelievably amazing, like this was how it was all meant to be.

Killian POV:

I was overjoyed at my son's name. After we announced it, both men took me aside and said it meant the world to them. I wouldn't change a thing. I owed who I was to my brother. He didn't have to do everything he did to provide for me at such a young age, most were eager to be free of responsibility at eighteen. And I owed my family to David. If he hadn't pulled the trigger, Gold would have shot me and Emma both to death, and who knows what he would have done to Henry.

And so the next half of the pregnancy commenced. Emma was right, the second trimester was worse. Half the time, she was sick. I would feel her when she dashed from the bed, and I would follow closely behind to rub her back or hold her hair away from her face. Then I would go to the kitchen and pour a glass of whatever she requested, and bring a snack if she wanted.

Many times she thanked me for the things I did. I'm not sure why, it seemed obvious that I should help take care of her. We were in this together, and it hurt me to see her so miserable.

But during the last ten weeks, she perked right up. Her doctor called this the nesting phase. She cleaned all the time, and we turned the extra room into the nursery, complete with a crib, changing table, dresser, and glider.

Henry was eager to help, and Emma and I happily included him so that he wouldn't feel left out. We were already concerned about how he would feel when his brother arrived.

Before any of us knew it, Emma had hit the 37 week mark. She was now considered full term, and could go into labor at any time.

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