Chapter 60:

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Killian POV:

The next morning, Emma asked to see the boys. We'd agreed to tell Henry the truth, he was mature for his age and could handle it. So I called Regina and asked her to bring them up as soon as they'd had breakfast and were dressed.

"What do we tell Henry?" Emma asked while she ate her own breakfast.

"I'm not sure, I don't want to scare him." I replied.

"Let's not tell him about the drugs and me being beaten around, that will just give him nightmares. We'll just say a bad man took me because he wanted money." She suggested. "I don't want to lie to him."

"Whatever you want, love." I kissed the side of her head.

Right after she ate, the nurse came in to remove her IV. They had drawn blood just before she ate, and it showed no more signs of the drug being in her body, and she was able to keep up with drinking and eating on her own. Now she didn't have to be tethered to that bloody pole.

When our children arrived, Liam ran straight for his mother and climbed into her bed. Emma winced a little, but was so happy to see him she didn't care. Liam was too young to understand anyway.

After that, the toddler took a seat next to her on the bed, and Henry came over to hug her.

"What happened? Why are you here?" He hesitantly asked.

Emma glanced at me and took Henry's hands in her own.

"Henry, you know some people do bad things. Well this man did a very bad thing, he took me so he could demand money from Killian. He wanted Killian to pay to get me back. I'm just here so they can make sure I'm okay."

It wasn't a complete lie, but Henry had been through so much, we didn't want to put any more burden on him. When he was older, if he asked, we would tell him the whole truth.

"So do you get to come home today?" He inquired.

"I sure hope so." Emma grinned. "I miss being at home with you guys."

The boys visited for a while, but eventually they had to leave with Regina again. She had insisted I stay here with Emma. I was secretly grateful. Now I knew how Emma felt after Henry had been taken, I didn't want to let her out of my sight for a moment.

Henry took the news that he was getting another sibling well, he was excited to help with another baby. We explained to Liam that there was a baby in mommy's tummy, but he didn't quite understand. We hoped he would love the baby when he or she finally arrived.

One by one, friends visited. First Ruby, with lunch from Granny's, something Emma was extremely enthusiastic about after eating hospital food. Then came Liam and Elsa with Emmett, who was excited to see Uncle Killy and Aunt Emma. Lastly, it was Mary Margaret and David, who were the most excited about us having another baby.

"Well we haven't told anyone else yet, we might as well tell you guys first." Mary Margaret said, blushing. "We're having a baby too!"

Emma was so excited that our children would grow up together. She and Mary Margaret hugged, and I clapped David on the back. Mary Margaret was she just three weeks before us, but with this being Emma's third pregnancy, she could very well deliver early.

Emma POV:

Wow, I was pregnant again and I was going to share the experience with Mary Margaret, who would be having her first baby. She would be a fantastic mother, she acted maternal toward everyone. Her students, the children in her family, even her friends, me in particular given my history. It was sort of nice to have someone care about me that way though.

I had one more night in the hospital, and then I could go home. I told Killian he could go home, he couldn't be comfortable sleeping on that couch, but he insisted he didn't think I should be alone. I could see the worry in his eyes though, because I had it when I had Henry back when Gold took him. I left it alone, my husband just didn't want to let me out of his sight and I couldn't blame him for feeling that way.

That night, he snuck some ice cream into my room, and it was bliss. Not that the hospital food was that horrible, but it was very bland.

When I could finally go home the next morning, it was great. I still felt a little sore, so I was told to take it easy and prescribed some pain medication. I missed my own bed though, and sleeping on that stiff hospital bed could not be helping my physical condition.

Regina brought the boys home not long after we settled in. Liam ran up to me again and proceeded to follow me everywhere. I didn't mind, I thought I might never see my children again so I indulged him every chance I got. I did the same with Henry, hugging him every time he requested it of me. They missed me, and now that my oldest son knew the truth, he felt even worse.

I had made my appointment with Dr. Turner while still in the hospital. So the next day Killian was still able to leave work to come with me.

"Are you ready to do this again?" I asked my husband.

"Love, I'm ready for anything as long as I have you." He kissed my hand.

Once we were called back, Dr. Turner walked in and congratulated me. Then I had to explain what happened.

"There's just one thing. I found out I was pregnant in the hospital, after a drug dealer kidnapped me for ransom, drugged me, and kicked me around." I said.

She raised her eyebrows. "I am so sorry, Emma! Don't worry, your baby is in excellent hands. We will have to do more frequent ultrasounds though, to make sure nothing is effected. It's still early on, so the baby can survive a lot, but we just want to be safe."

I nodded and she wheeled in the ultrasound machine.

"Let's take a look." And she began to probe my stomach. "Oh!"

"What?" I immediately turned my head toward her, worried she might find something wrong.

"Don't worry, everything's fine. It's just..."

She turned the screen toward me. This being my third pregnancy, I knew what I was looking at. Two babies, twins.

"What? What is everyone looking at?" Killian demanded in a scared tone.

"Two." I was still in shock.

"Emma?" He pushed some hair out of my face.

"We're having twins." I turned to him with tears in my eyes.

"Love, that's incredible." He wiped a tear from my face and kissed my forehead.

"Congratulations you two, double the fun." Dr. Turner joked.

We went home that day with an ultrasound image showing two babies. I couldn't wait to tell everyone, so I invited our friends over that evening for dinner.

"Now I'm really curious as to how in the world you aren't showing yet." Killian placed a hand on my stomach as we stood in the kitchen.

"Every pregnancy is different." I shrugged and wrapped my hands around his neck. "I love you."

"And I love you, and our two girls." He grinned.

"You're so sure it's two girls aren't you? You know it can be boys, or a boy and a girl." I reminded him.

"Nope, its two girls, and they're going to be as beautiful as their mother, and they'll drive me just as insane."

"I do not drive you insane." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Emma, being with you has been a roller coaster." He smiled. "It's more than any ordinary man could handle, luckily you didn't marry just any man."

"You're right." I stroked his ego. "I've got Super Man, now where's your cape?"

He laughed. "I'm so happy to have you home, safe and sound." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

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