Chapter 49:

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Emma POV:

"Cool!" Henry said as he stared at his baby brother. "So when will he be here?"

"In about 7 months kiddo." I told him. He handed me the ultrasound image back and I stowed it away for now in case anyone came over. I didn't want to risk them seeing it. We would show his picture at the wedding.

That night Killian and I actually discussed it over a few details. We were almost done, it was a small ceremony so it didn't take much work. The big part was getting my dress and dresses for my bridesmaids. I had an appointment for that this weekend.

"So how do you propose we announce it?" He asked me.

"Well, traditionally there are speeches. I was thinking after everyone that wants to do one is finished, we stand up, thank everyone for coming, and have the ultrasound show up on the projector." I explained. Simple and perfect.

"Well that's settled. Now, on to finding a cake." He kissed my hand.

We spent the next hour looking at nearby bakeries. We already knew what we were doing. The traditional white cake, and then the grooms cake would be nautical themed to go with the wedding. Eventually we found the one with the best reviews that didn't charge an arm and a leg. Honestly, these people preyed on engaged couples.

Over the next few weeks, all the details were in place. Everything was right on schedule, I had checked and double checked. Despite being pregnant, I felt fantastic. I didn't remember much about being pregnant with Henry, but I have heard that the second trimester can be the hardest, so I didn't get too comfortable.

The dress fittings had gone smoothly. I had quietly informed the employees that I was expecting and that I was keeping it a secret. The last thing I needed was Regina and Ruby asking questions if the dress was a little tight.

I found them some beautiful blue dresses, short in length since we would be on the beach. My own dress was floor length, but very light. Sand could always be shaken out of it. Growing up, I dreamed of my wedding, and while this was a small ceremony and I was okay with that, I still wanted the long and elegant gown.

Rehearsal was enough to make me have a nervous breakdown though. I was getting married and having a baby, holy crap. After Neal, and growing up bouncing from one foster home to another multiple times a year, I never thought I would get a life like this. But here I was, about to say "I do" to the most wonderful man I had ever met, and have his baby in about six months. It was like a dream I never wanted to wake up from.

I had to take a sleeping pill to make sure I got plenty of rest for the big day, and the next morning I was off like a rocket. Regina picked me up first thing in the morning, coffee and breakfast in hand, which was eaten on the way to the salon we were meeting Ruby at.

Once there, we all had our nails done. Even the little flower girl, a role taken up by Anna's daughter. After that was hair and makeup. I had never gone to so much trouble and we all ended up looking amazing. Anna's little girl had her hair done, but no make up, and she looked absolutely adorable.

Right on schedule, we drove to the beachfront hotel and all got dressed. I had to have help slipping into the gown so that I wouldn't mess up my hair.

Before I knew it, Robin was there to walk me down the aisle to Killian. Since I didn't have a father, he was the best person for the job. Other than Killian, he was the best man in my life.

Regina and Liam linked arms and began to make their way down the short boardwalk that led from the hotel to the beach where the ceremony was taking place. They were followed by Ruby and David. Then it was Henry's turn, I kissed him on the cheek and thanked my little boy for being part of this. It meant the world to me. Anna's daughter walked behind him, and then I took Robin's arm and began to walk. I focused on every step, I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life.

Once we got closer, I could see Killian. His back was turned, until Liam nudged him to get him to turn around.

His hand went to his mouth, and he smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen on him and let a few tears loose. It was a good thing my makeup was waterproof, because I was trying not to sob hysterically. Damn these hormones.

Killian POV:

She had never looked as beautiful as she had today. She radiated with bliss, between the wedding and the baby, I could see it. I wondered if I had the same look about me.

I never took my eyes off her after Liam told me to turn around, I now knew what people meant when they said it felt like they were the only two people in the room.

She stood in front of me and took both of my hands after handing her bouquet to Regina. I kissed her once on the cheek and we began our vows.

"Emma, I never even saw you coming. My life was bleak, the only joy I had to speak of was my brother. And then you came crashing in and brought more happiness than I had ever had. You and Henry, you two mean the world to me. You've given me a family of my own, I never thought I would have this much love in my life. I thank you for that my dear."

She released my hand to wipe a tear from her cheek as the minister asked her to recite her vows.

"I had been hurt so many times over. I thought I was too damaged for anyone. I didn't even know how to handle it when you started to express how you felt about me because it wasn't something I ever expected. And then you and I fell into this amazing love that I can't even believe is real. You inspired me to find my son, I wouldn't be a mother if it weren't for you telling me I could be one. I will never be able to repay you for everything you've brought into my life, you and Henry, you're my whole world."

I brought our joined hands to my lips and kissed hers, choking back tears. She had come a long way from when we first met, when she had a bad tendency to push me away.

After that I was eager to have her alone. We exchanged rings and said "I do", and were announced as Mr. and Mrs. Killian Jones. Then it was off to the private room just outside the ballroom of the hotel.

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