Chapter 28:

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Emma POV:

Everything went blissfully great. Henry didn't know we were dating yet, I thought I would tell him when the time was right. And, honestly, I was still terrified that something would happen to Killian and I again. It would be easier to tell Henry if he didn't know Killian and I were together.

Today happened to be a beautiful summer day. I sat in a chair in the backyard next to Killian as Henry and Frank ran through the sprinkler together.

"How is Operation Bonding going?" I suddenly asked.

"Pardon?" He replied, eyeing me curiously.

"It's what I've been calling it in my head." I giggled. "You and Henry getting to know each other, you know?"

"He seems to have taken a shine to me." Killian drew himself up proudly. "He might even like me better than you."

I raised an eyebrow at him, knowing he was joking. "You don't have to be around all the time, and you don't have to discipline him."

"Aye, I figured that's best left up to you."

"For now." I blurted out. Damn, I didn't want him thinking that I was starting to see a future with him. It had been a few weeks since Liam's wedding, since we actually got back together. But it still felt a little too soon for me to think that.

Luckily, he must have ignored it for my sake and encouraged the two boys playing in the yard.

"Get him, Frank!" He called to the dog. Big mistake.

Frank immediately bounded toward Killian. Well over a hundred pounds of wet dog was headed our way.

"No, Frankie!" I yelled, getting the dog to stop inches before Killian. He turned right back around and headed for the sprinkler again.

"Thanks for that!" Killian said breathlessly.

"No problem." I assured him. "He would have taken you down easily."

"I agree, I'm not sure he knows what size he is."

"Dogs have no size perception, as far as he knows he's the same size as Hansel and Gretel." I laughed at that, because the two cats could both easily hide behind Frank's massive mid section. They did it all the time.

"I'll remember that next time I call for him." Killian shuddered at the idea of being tackled by a mass of fur and slobber.

Henry wore himself out so much that day that he passed out on the couch watching Peter Pan with Killian while I used the blow dryer on Frank. No way was I letting him trot around my house and stink it up with that wet dog smell.

"Love?" Killian peered around the bathroom door.

"What's wrong?" He looked nervous.

"Nothing. It's just, Henry's fallen asleep. I'm not sure what you wish to do with him. He's on the couch." He scratched behind his ear. I grinned, he was so nervous when it came to Henry. It was kind of adorable.

"Can you carry him to his bed? He won't wake up, he's probably too tired. Just tuck him in, it helps him sleep better." I asked.

"Oh, um, right." He nervously smiled.

"Killian." I stopped him. He turned back to me. "Don't be so nervous, Henry likes you. You should be comfortable around both of us."

He smiled weakly and went off to pick up Henry. He passed by the bathroom door as he went and smiled at me again, Henry dangling in his arms and not even stirring.

Killian POV:

She trusted me with far too much. I didn't have a good example of a father growing up, I couldn't expect to be a good one myself. If I ever even became a father figure to Henry.

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