Chapter 39:

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Killian POV:

We parked about a block away from the house so we wouldn't rouse suspicion. Upon approaching it, we saw that it was small and simple. The van was nowhere to be seen, he probably had it hidden in a garage or something.

We ducked under and around the windows, looking for Henry and Gold. Emma had one gun and I insisted that she hold onto it, so she insisted that she lead the way.

Finally, we peeked into a window and saw Henry sitting on a couch in what looked like the living room. He was eating and watching television, we could also see Gold in the kitchen off to the side, obviously talking quietly to this Belle person.

"Killian," Emma said to me in a hushed tone, "call 911 right now, tell them we see Henry and the address."

She didn't take her eyes off her son as I dialed. I gave the operator our location and she asked us to stay put.

"Emma, the police will be here soon. Just stay where you are." I said.

"To hell with that. If he moves my son off that couch I'm going in to get him." She said, still not peeling her eyes from the window.

Sure enough, not two minutes after that, Gold took Henry by the shoulder and stood him up. Emma immediately ran up the porch steps to the front door. When she found it was locked, she kicked it in.

"Robert!" Belle yelled. Gold immediately jerked Henry around and aimed a gun at his head.

"Let him go!" Emma demanded.

"What's going on?" Belle yelled.

"Just a little disagreement over some property that's rightfully mine." Gold snarled.

"And you kidnapped a little boy over it?!" Belle screamed.

"Mom." Henry said in a scared tone, not understanding what was happening.

"It's okay, kid. I'm going to get you out of here." Emma said to Henry, but not taking her eyes off Gold.

"My son's belongings are mine. Henry didn't know him for more than a few weeks." There was a bit of insanity to Gold's tone.

"You can have whatever you want, just let the boy go." I said, stepping in.

He aimed the gun at me.

"You keep quiet! You took my wife! You're lucky I don't kill you right here!"

"No one's killing anyone." Emma said. "Give me my son and we'll sign over everything of Neal's."

"I'm going to hold on to him until you do just that." He aimed that gun at Emma again. I took her arm and pulled her back toward me again.

"Why do you want anything of his?" Emma said. I could tell she was trying to keep him talking until the police arrived.

"You mean because I abandoned him?" He said in a taunting voice. "You see, Miss Swan, that's where you and I are one and the same."

I felt Emma tense up next to me, I kept my grip on her arm.

"You abandoned your son too." He wickedly grinned and pointed the gun at Henry again.

"I did what was best for him at the time." Emma huffed.

"Or what was best for you."

"I love my son!" Emma yelled and surged forward.

He raised the gun to Emma, and I hurried to shove her out of the way.

He pulled the trigger too quick, Emma fell to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Belle pull Henry out of the way.

"Emma?" I touched her now unconscious face. I turned to Gold to see him aiming the gun at me now.

"Love makes you weak, dearie." I stood up and he was prepared to shoot me. Before he could another gun shot rang out, and he fell to the floor, blood oozing from a would in his head. He was dead.

I turned around to see the officer working our case with his gun out. He was breathing quickly, adrenaline obviously coursing though him. Then he began to speak into his radio.

"I need paramedics. One female down with a gun shot would, a male deceased. Make youth with possible injuries."

He crouched down to examine Emma as another officer came forward.

"Is the boy here?" He asked me. I turned around and headed for the kitchen, Belle was crouched in a corner, protecting Henry. She obviously had no idea what was going on.

"Henry? Are you okay?" I cautiously asked him.

"I'm fine. Where's my mom?" He asked in return.

"We'll see her in a moment. Can you go with this officer right now?" I asked him.

He nodded and got up. The officer took him around be back so he wouldn't see his mother on the ground and Gold lying dead.

"I'm so sorry." Belle sobbed to me. "I didn't know. He said Henry was his grandson and his power was out at his house. I thought he was babysitting or something."

She wiped her eyes.

"It's okay. He's quite the liar. Thank you for keeping him here." I assured her.

"My father just said that he would be coming by to talk, I guess he didn't want to upset me." She said.

"Belle French?" Another officer came in.

"Yes." She answered.

"You were the significant other of the deceased?" He inquired.

"Deceased?!" She asked.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, he was about to shoot." The officer sincerely apologized.

"No, I...I understand." She said in a shaky tone.

"If you come with me, we need to ask a few questions." The officer gently asked.

Belle nodded and went on. Then I remembered Emma and ran back to the living room. The paramedics had arrived.

"Is she going to be okay?!" I frantically asked.

"She's alive, but we need to get her to the hospital." One answered me as they carefully loaded her onto a stretcher. I ran outside quickly to keep Henry from seeing it.

"Killian?" He asked me and I made to stand between him and the view of his mother, but I wasn't quick enough.

"Mom?!" He yelled and started crying.

"She'll be okay. They're taking her to a hospital." I assured him.

"Go with her!" He pushed me.

"Are you okay by yourself?" I crouched down in front of Henry.

"I'm fine! Go!" He yelled.

"Bring him to the hospital when he's checked out." I said to the officer, who nodded. Then I ran like hell to the ambulance and climbed in.

Emma had a bullet in her shoulder, just below her collar bone. I felt my eyes water as I took her hand and silently pleaded with her to stay here with me.

The paramedics cleaned it as best they could and kept an oxygen mask over her face.

When we finally got to the hospital, they rushed her in and behind a set of closed doors. I went as far as I could before a nurse stopped me.

This was it, apparently they were taking Emma to surgery and I could just have to wait to find out if I would lose the only woman I had ever truly loved.

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