Chapter 41:

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Emma POV:

I saw red. I love my son, I gave him up because everyone told me I couldn't do it. When I finally got up the nerve to be his mother and take care of him, I found him. This bastard just up and left his son for no reason. He was scum.

I charged forward when I'd had enough. I forgot I had a gun in my hand, I was hell bent on tearing him apart myself. He raised his gun to me and I felt someone move me. It must have been Killian.

I heard the gunshot, but I didn't feel the pain. I fell back. My eyes were closed but I couldn't open them. I barely registered what I heard. Only Killian yelling my name, and another gunshot.

Killian. Henry!

The names of my two boys resonated in my head as I fought to keep hold of the small amount of consciousness I had. But I blacked out completely.

When I woke up, pain hit me like a brick wall. I started gasping. Immediately there was someone at my side with a soothing touch.

"Emma! Love, don't move. Please, it only makes it worse." I heard Killian say to me. I did what he requested and felt a little better. When my vision came completely back I saw him standing over me.

I tried to speak but my mouth was dry. He got the message and grabbed a nearby cup with a straw, allowing me to drink.

"Henry!" I gasped.

"He's fine. Regina has him." Killian assured me, stroking my hairline.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"You've been shot, and you're worried about me?" He laughed. "I'm fine."

"So what was that second gun shot?"

"You heard that?" His brow furrowed. I nodded in response and he sighed. "Officer Nolan got there in the nick of time and shot Gold."

"So he's...?"

"Dead. He was about to shoot and kill me."

I found it hard to feel the least bit sorry for Gold. He took my son and threatened all three of us. He was a selfish bastard.

That was when the doctor came in.

"Good. You're awake. Doctor Whale." He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"When can I see my son?" I asked.

"Whenever you want. I'll tell Regina to bring him up here." Killian answered.

"Well, we need to run some tests on you first. You'll stay a little while longer until we know you're stable." The doctor informed me.

"Okay." I grumbled. I hated hospitals, and I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

The doctor nodded and Killian thanked him.

"I hate it here." I complained.

Killian chuckled. "I know. But they need to make sure you'll be okay first. Then we can go home and you can do whatever you like."

"Killian?" I cautiously asked.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Did you push me?"

"Yes. What of it?" He said, intrigued.

"You could have been shot." I simply pointed out.

"I don't care." He stated.

I didn't know how to respond. No one had ever been willing to take a bullet for me. And here he was, getting between me and one and shoving me out of the way. I cupped my hand to his cheek, in awe of this man.

"Why?" I gasped.

"When you love someone, your own safety is disregarded." He raised an eyebrow.

He was right. I wouldn't hesitate to step in front of him or Henry. They were my whole world, my own life be damned.

"I love you, so much." I told him.

"And I love you." He leaned in and kissed me. He made to pull away but I gripped his collar with my good hand and kept him there, deepening the kiss. He moaned in the back of his throat, causing me to heat up a little despite the pain I was in. We didn't stop until we heard a throat clear.

We broke apart and saw a blushing nurse standing in the doorway.

"How are you feeling?" She asked a little awkwardly.

"I'm still in a lot of pain." I informed her.

"We can turn up your pain medicine." She wrote something on a clip board and then moved over next to me and fiddled with a few things.

"Better?" She asked.

It took a few seconds, but the pain started to recede some.

"Yes, thank you." I sighed.

"In about fifteen minutes, you're scheduled for an x-ray to check on your healing process." She stated.

"Okay." I huffed. "Killian?"

"Hmm." He hummed as he looked at my chart.

"I want you to take Henry home later so he can sleep in his own bed." I stated.

He looked at me with wide eyes. "Are you mad?"

"No. I'll be fine. I'm in a damn hospital. He's been through a lot, he needs to be at home. He needs-" I cut myself off. I was about to say Henry needed his dad. The truth was, ever since Neal died, Killian and Henry had grown closer. But I wasn't sure if Killian was ready to hear me say the D word just yet.

"He needs what?"

"Familiarity." I covered with.

"You'll get lonely." He took my hand.

"I'll be fine. Until you came along, I had spent my entire life alone. I can handle this. Please." I begged of him. He drooped his shoulders, giving in.

"Until you get home, I'll visit and call every day." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I said to him.

"I'll never get tired of hearing that, especially after all this." He smiled against my skin. "I love you too."

The x-rays were no fun. I had to stay as still as possible so they could take a look. But in the end, everything looked like it was healing right on track. I went back to my room to find Henry waiting for me.

"Mom!" He rushed forward.

"Easy, lad. Your mother isn't in the best state." He said, taking my son by the shoulder.

"Right, sorry." He apologized.

"It's okay." I held out my good arm for him to come forward. "I'll be better soon." I assured him.

"Good. I miss you." He burrowed his face into my stomach.

"I miss you too, kid. How are you?" I asked him as I sat in a nearby chair.

"Good. I went back to school today. Regina thought it was a good idea." 

"That's great. Mrs. Blanchard probably missed you." Then I got serious. "Henry, I have to stay here for a little while longer. Killian is going to take you home and take care of you until I can."

"When can you come home?" He got this look on his face that pulled on my heart strings. I smiled weakly and stroked his hair.

"As soon as the doctor says I can. But he just told me that I am doing great. They're going to move me to a different room now that I'm stable, which means I'm getting better."

"Okay." He slumped over. "I just miss you."

"I know, I miss you too. But I need you to take care of each other for me." I took Killian's hand. "I need my boys to step up."

"That we will. And when you get home, we'll take care of you." He kissed my cheek.

"Good." I hugged them both.

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