Chapter 61:

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Emma POV:

Given the fact that I was carrying two babies, I thought I would feel all sorts of symptoms. But I felt next to nothing. Maybe Killian was right and it was two girls, I'd heard that you can have more difficult pregnancies depending on the gender.

I did start showing soon though, and Killian swears I just blew up one day. Maybe they had to change position and that's what caused it, but out of nowhere, I had a bump.

Killian was a nervous wreck. The poor man had spent hours researching pregnancies and births with multiple babies, and he was convinced that I was as breakable as glass because a lot of the articles talked about the risks. I knew the risks, Dr. Turner had given me all sorts of pamphlets and recommended a book that I was in the middle of reading, so I tried to show Killian that I would be fine if I took the proper precautions. Still, he worried on. I guess it was sweet, but still a little irritating.

Henry was excited. He was almost ten now, and even more capable of helping than he was when Liam was born.

We had monthly ultrasounds this time, due to the fact that I was pregnant with twins, and because of what my body was put through when I was abducted.

Killian didn't mind, he was thrilled every time we got to see our babies on the screen. He marveled at how much they had grown each time, and I swear I could cry at how devoted he was to our children.

"Emma, do you see that? You can see their facial features!" He said excitedly when we went for one at almost 21 weeks.

This was an important one, they were doing an hour long anatomical scan and telling us the genders today. It got very boring and a little relaxing with that warm gel.

"I see, their little noses are adorable." I confirmed.

"I think they look like you already." He told me. He was still convinced they were girls and would be born looking exactly like me.

"We'll just have to see when they're born." I laughed. "I know you're impatient, Killian. But it'll be worth the wait."

"Okay you two, ready to find out what you're having?" The doctor asked us.

Killian squeezed my hand slightly as we nodded in unison. The doctor turned the screen toward us.

"It's two girls." He pointed to the babies, so we could see it was indeed two little girls.

"I told you, love!" Killian almost jumped up and down.

"Alright, so you were right. Just be prepared. You know how you tell me I baby Liam so much? Just wait until these girls are here, you'll be wrapped around their little fingers." I warned him. It was true, Liam was mommy's little boy, and these girl's would be able to get away with murder with their father.

Killian POV:

Wow, two girls. I knew I was in for a vast amount of stress, but I couldn't love them more.

Emma and I had already decided on names for any circumstances, whether it was two boys, two girls, or a girl and a boy. These girls would be named Ruth and Jane, maybe the names were a bit older, but we loved them.

Henry and Liam were every bit as excited as us. Henry had always wanted a brother and a sister, and now he would have three siblings. Liam was starting to understand what was going on, and asked to snuggle Emma's belly all the time, repeating "baby" over and over and poking the bump.

Just like when we announced we were having twins, we had everyone come over so that we could announce their genders. Mary Margaret practically squealed with excitement. She was actually having a girl too, they were naming her Eva, after her late maternal grandmother.

Eva, Ruth, and Jane would be growing up together and be like sisters, we hoped.

That night, Emma and I lay awake in bed. We both had a hand on her belly as she was on her back. We talked and laughed every time one of the girls kicked particularly hard.

"We're going to be so tired." She laughed. "Liam isn't even two."

"But we have Henry. He's proven himself more than capable and willing to help. He loves playing with his brother and keeping him occupied for us." I reminded her.

"I guess you're right. I think he's just so happy to have a family. A few years ago, he was in a group home waiting to be adopted." Emma sniffed.

"Don't cry, love. The important part is that he's with his mother."

"And he got two amazing dads." She smiled.

"I don't know if he considers me his father." I didn't want to replace Neal, or have Henry think I would ever even try to.

"He does. He's told me before, he never thought he would have parents, much less a mom and two dads. Even though Neal's not here anymore, they still got to know each other and Henry knows he is loved."

"Thank you, love. All I want is to be a good husband to you and a good father to our children."

"You are, I couldn't ask for anyone better." She touched my face with her hand and ran her fingers into my hair. I loved when she did that, it felt like bliss.

As the weeks wore on, Emma became more and more uncomfortable. She had to leave work at thirty weeks because of doctor's advice, but she still worked from home a lot. As long as she stayed off her feet and took regular breaks, she would be fine.

The girls were thriving inside of their mother. They grew right on time, and they were certainly active. I knew that from the times that Emma would grip her stomach from one of them kicking her ribs or her bladder. It was difficult to watch, but she still remained so happy because our babies had survived much in the beginning.

Emma POV:

I was ready to get them out. I thought I had been uncomfortable with Liam, these two were putting a real hurt on my body. But the longer they stayed in, the better the outcome. They were already at risk for a stay in the NICU, and I'm not sure I could handle that again.

Dr. Turner warned me that with this being my third pregnancy and twins, I could go into labor very early and progress quickly. So at 30 weeks, Killian and I had a hospital bag ready to go and a plan for the boys.

Through the times when I was miserable, snappy, or just plain exhausted, Killian was there. He cooked dinner regularly, picked up the boys (Liam still went to daycare so I wouldn't have to look after him during the day), and ran all of the errands. And all without complaining. I showed him my appreciation the best I could, but it was hard considering I wasn't supposed to over do it.

At thirty-five weeks, I was in early labor. The doctor said I was dilating some and to be prepared to make the drive to the hospital. Something we were all thrilled about. Me because I could finally get the babies out even though I might be exhausted for a while, Killian because he couldn't wait to meet his girls, the boys because they wanted to see their sisters, and friends and family because this would be the first set of twins any of us had ever had in our lives.

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