Chapter 48:

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Emma POV:

I managed to make my appointment over the computer for a nearby doctor, even though it was the weekend. It was scheduled for Monday at 3. Killian really wanted to go so I made an excuse and asked Regina to pick Henry up for me.

Since we had just started planning, and hadn't told anyone a date yet, we decided to move the wedding to a closer day, in case I started showing soon and wouldn't fit into the dress. I was already lean as it is. It was now a month away instead of a little over two.

The next day Killian and I both took off work so we could tackle the day together. I enjoyed the alone time with him but I was anxious to get to the doctor's. If my math was right, I should be right at 8 weeks. I was excited, I was pregnant and this time the father was here and loved me so much he wanted to marry me and love my son like his own. And this time I would keep my baby instead of listening to him or her cry for me while the doctor left with it.

When we arrived I was more than anxious, and apparently Killian noticed.

"Love," he placed a hand on my jittering knee, "what are you scared of?"

"I'm just anxious. I guess because I'm going to go through the process and it'll end with a baby I take home this time." I smiled nervously.

"Relax. You'll have me, and Henry will help I'm sure. We're all going to be a team."

I leaned over and kissed him in appreciation. Right then, a nurse called my name. We were led to a small room. I knew it was a doctor's office, but the pale and bland colors reminded me too much of prison. I cringed but sat down. She took my weight, blood pressure, and asked how I was feeling and if I had any questions for the doctor. I answered no, then she asked if this was my first baby.

"Um, yes and no."

"Come again?" She asked curiously.

"I've been pregnant to full term before." I said shyly.

"Oh, my dear." She said sympathetically. "Don't you worry, Dr. Turner will make sure your baby has the best care and is healthy as can be."

She thought my first baby had passed away.

"Oh no, my baby is alive and well. I just gave him up when he was born."

She raised her eyebrows. I rushed to explain the rest, but I left the prison part out.

"I couldn't take care of him, but I have him now. He's seven. I just needed to...get my life in order." I grinned sheepishly.

"Well that is a beautiful story." She patted my knee and beamed. "Now, the doctor will be right in."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You didn't have to explain yourself." Killian rubbed my back. He knew how I felt about my past.

"I couldn't let her think I lost Henry altogether, that would be even worse, even if I didn't have custody of him now." I said.

A few minutes later, the doctor showed.

"How are we doing today?" He said with a friendly smile.

"Good." I politely replied and shook the doctor's hand. "I'm Emma Swan."

"Mom, I assume." He winked. Then he turned to Killian.

"Killian Jones." He shook his hand.

"I'm pleased to meet both of you." Dr. Turner said. "So, how are you feeling Miss Swan?" He turned to me.

"Okay. I didn't even realize I was pregnant until a few days ago." I answered.

"Right, about that, when was your last menstrual cycle?" He asked, pulling out a chart.

I gave him a date and he began to study the chart.

"Okay, looks like you'll be right at about 8 weeks. We'll do an ultrasound just to get a better idea and then see you again in a month." He wrote a few things down.

"So, can I answer any more questions before I let you go?" He looked between the both of us.

"I'm good. Killian?" I asked.

"Just following your lead, love." He grinned. I had no idea we would be seeing the baby today.

"Okay, just take these orders to the imaging center and then you can go home. But make your next appointment for a month from today." He instructed me and handed me a piece of paper.

"Thank you." I said before the doctor nodded and saw himself out.

"Lets go take a look at our baby." I reached for Killian's hand.

Killian POV:

Emma was laying on a bed, undressed from the waist down so that they could take a look at the baby.

"So we won't see much today, just a small dot. You can see the heart beating, but you can't hear it just yet." The woman explained.

She squeezed a liberal amount of goop onto Emma's stomach and prodded her with a wand.

"And here...we...go. Got it!" The lady proudly declared, turning the screen so we could see it.

It was beautiful. This tiny little human being living inside Emma. The technician was right, we could see the baby's little heartbeat.

I grabbed Emma's hand in mine and beamed down at her. Her eyes were watering, I knew she was overjoyed at a baby she could keep this time.

"So you're measuring at about eight weeks and three days. We'll check on the baby again at about twelve weeks, and we'll find out the gender then too." The technician explained before removing the wand, cleaning off Emma, and handing her a printed picture of the baby.

Emma stared at it in wonder. The woman wished us well and left the room.

"Emma?" I asked, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"This is our baby." She said blankly.

"That's right." I confirmed.

"I don't have to be scared and give him up. He's mine."

"I promise, nothing will ever separate you two." I kissed the side of her head. "Let's go show Henry."

Then a thought occurred to me.

"You think it's a boy?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I can feel it. I knew Henry was a boy. Call it a mother's instinct." She giggled.

"Boy or girl, I'll love this baby."

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