Chapter 27:

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Emma POV:

The next morning I woke up on my side with Killian snuggled up behind me, an arm wrapped protectively around me. I smiled and curled in closer.

"Emma?" A groggy voice asked me.

"Hmm?" I answered, not ready to wake up just yet.

"We have to get up." He said.

"No we don't." I insisted.

"You have to get your son." He reminded me.

Oh right, Henry. I was so wrapped up in him I forgot I let Henry stay the night at Regina's.

"Come with me." I told him.

He sat up and looked at me like I'd lost my mind.

"What?" I questioned.

"Love, we just got back together. It's a bit soon." He said.

"Not really, he's met you already."


"You guys spent an entire car ride to Boston together."

"I just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable."

"We don't have to tell him we're together yet. We can explain that to him later if that's what you want." I was feeling nervous about this now.

"Emma," he took my hand and kissed it, "it's not that I'm ashamed of you. It's just, have you talked with the boy about his father?"

I thought for a second. I actually had, already. I did the best I could without hurting Henry's feelings. I just said that Neal couldn't be here for him, he hadn't gotten himself together like me and maybe, one day, if he did then they could meet. It was true, if Neal ever found me again and had his life together I wouldn't deny him the right to see his son.

"Yes. He knows that Neal can't be around." I timidly said.

"But did you tell him why?" Killian eyed me.

"He's too young to know the truth. I told him that even though I have my life together now, Neal doesn't and that's why he can't be here. I didn't want to tell him that his dad has no idea and sent me to jail for his crime. That would crush Henry."

"Aye, you did the right thing." Killian nodded.

"What does this have to do with you meeting Henry again?" I asked.

"I don't want to replace his father. Emma, it's a real possibility that you and I could have a future together, this can't be avoided. If that does happen, I want him to know that he does have a real father out there."

I sighed, how could one man be this wonderful?

"Killian, if we find ourselves going down that road, then you and Henry can have a talk. Man to man." I smiled. "But he's going to love you."

"If you say so. Come, I'll bet your friends are growing weary of the boy. From what I hear, he's a handful."

"Here he is, over there he has Roland to keep him occupied."

So we got dressed and took Killian's car to Regina and Robin's. I was a bit nervous because they both knew what had happened between Killian and I, so I wasn't sure how they would react.

When I knocked, Regina answered.

"Hey Emma, I'll tell Henry to get his things. Who's this?" She asked.

Robin came up behind her right then. Good, only one introduction then.

"Regina, Robin, this is Killian. Killian, this is Regina and Robin." I introduced everyone.

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