Chapter 46:

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Killian POV:

It went better than I imagined, I thought I might have to talk her out of running away from me. But the ring I had given my love was now proudly displayed on her left finger for the world to see.

For a while we enjoyed the bliss of being engaged. Henry was thrilled, he had talked to me a long time ago about marrying his mother. I guess he wanted his mother to be happy and to have someone to think of as a father, especially after his biological one had passed away.

But after some time, we had to start planning

"The first thing we have to do is set a date." I said. She was staring blankly at a book we were using to keep track of everything. "Love?"

She snapped out of it.

"Sorry, I just can't believe I'm planning a wedding." She grinned.

"Well believe it, because we have a lot to do."

"Killian," she started hesitantly, "how big of a ceremony do you want?"

I could tell she was nervous in asking me that. I resisted the urge to giggle, she wanted a small wedding, and so did I. She just didn't want to disappoint me.

"If you know me at all, you know I want an intimate gathering." I took her hand in mine.

"Oh thank God." She breathed out. "I love you so much and I want to scream it to the world, but without having a circus for a wedding."

I couldn't help it now, I let a laugh escape. "Don't worry love, I only have my brother and Elsa, and one of them will be in the ceremony."

"So Liam is going to be your best man?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Who will he be paired with down the aisle?"


"I thought so, I thought about asking David to be another groomsman."

We had grown remarkably close to the officer who helped bring Henry home, and his wife. Mary Margaret was a lovely woman who adored Henry.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. I don't think I would be alive if it weren't for him."

"So who is he paired with then?"

"Honestly, Ruby. Mary Margaret is an amazing friend, but I'm closer to Ruby and Regina than I am to anyone besides you and Henry."

I nodded. "What's the date then?"

"How about a few months from now? We don't have many people to invite, and neither of us wants a large ceremony."

"That's perfect." I kissed her hand that I had been holding.

We ended up planning it for two months from that day, Elsa was due in a little over three months so she could enjoy the wedding before my nephew was due to arrive.

That next day I met my brother and David for lunch and asked them to be my groomsmen in the wedding. They both accepted eagerly, Liam patting me on the back for getting up the nerve to propose.

Emma POV:

"It's a beautiful ring." Ruby gushed over the diamond on my finger, "How did he pick it?"

"I may have had a hand in that." Regina teased.

"You knew?!" I exclaimed. We were all sitting in my old office, they both still worked here and sometimes I visited during lunch.

"Well he had to get advice from someone who knew you" she shrugged.

"So when is the big day?" Ruby eagerly asked.

"In a couple of months. We're figuring out a venue and food right now." I replied.

"And colors, a theme, music." Regina went on.

I looked at her like she had grown three heads.

"What? That's what normal people do with their weddings." She explained.

Great, as if this weren't stressful enough.

"We'll help you." Ruby assured me.

And so we spent the rest of my time there discussing things like what kind of flowers, what colors everyone would wear, and what theme the wedding would be.

Later on at home I went over their suggestions with Killian. We'd decided on a location, on the beach, right where he proposed to me. There was a hotel nearby with a ballroom we could use for the reception. There wouldn't be many people there, about 20 guests. Killian and I were both inviting a few co-workers and he insisted on the shrink that he still saw regularly. Ruby had a date in mind, someone named Dorothy.

When I told him I had no idea weddings had so many details, he giggled and recalled Liam's wedding. It had been a winter wonderland theme since they got married right after the new year. The pictures he showed me were beautiful.

We decided on doing a nautical theme, he worked at the docks and we both loved the water, tropical flowers would look stunning. The bridesmaids and groomsmen would wear light blue.

Just like that, a wedding was underway. The hotel was happy to provide a catering service. It took a few weeks to plan between the both of us working, but we had it down to the last detail so we wouldn't stress. I even put together a play list for a DJ that we found. Together Killian and I picked a song to dance to, The Words by Christina Perri. He said it reminded him of when we first started out and I was so damn stubborn. Looking back, I had to laugh at myself, because I had no clue that a love like this would knock me right on my ass.

And then, just like that, another curveball hit me.

I was late, due 2 weeks ago. I was hoping it was just the stress of being a working mom that was planning a wedding, but now I was worried. I guess it couldn't be that bad, we were essentially already married, if only by common law, but we did want to wait and enjoy married life for a little while before we added more kids to the mix. Besides, my house was a zoo right now with the three of us, Frankie, and the cats. It wouldn't hurt to move into a bigger house.

I stopped at the drug store on my way home, Henry was going to the library with a few friends and one of their moms, and Killian was going to pick him up on his way home from work. I had about an hour to process it if the test showed positive.

Once I was home, I took a deep breath and followed the instructions on the box. I wanted to make sure this was accurate.

Leaving the test on the counter, I started a timer on my phone and paced in the bedroom. Two minutes passed like two hours and I steadied myself before looking down at this tiny little stick that could turn my life upside down for what felt like the thousandth time.

I know, I'm terrible! That's all you get for now, I need to get some sleep before my son wakes up!

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