Chapter 63:

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Five Years Later

Emma POV:

All three girls ran through the yard screaming with Frank right behind them. The poor dog was getting on in age, but he tried his best to keep up. It was their fifth birthday, and we had a joint party for them and Eva since her birthday was the day after theirs. David and Mary Margaret were here with their three year old daughter, Johanna, Regina and Robin with Roland, Liam and Elsa with Emmett, and their other two children, two year old Riley, and four month old Kennedy. Ruby was FINALLY engaged to Dorothy after they had their first date at the wedding so many years ago, and of course Anna and Kristoff with their children. My yard was a circus.

Henry was inside with Liam, showing him how to play a video game. As far as fifteen year old boys go, I'd say I have a good one. He let his little brother tag along everywhere he went.

I watched Killian indulge our girls' every request. They were the spitting image of me, blonde hair and bright green eyes. He swore they had also inherited my charm over him, but I think he just used it as an excuse for his doting ways.

My life was incredible. Shortly after the birth of the girls, we had to move to a new house. We found a four bedroom near the schools. Henry was getting older and would need his own room. The girls slept in our room with us for a few months, but being the amazing sleepers they were, they slept all night at just three months old, so we hurried along our house shopping.

And I drove a mom vehicle. I laughed sometimes, thinking back about when Liam was born and swearing I could never do it. But with four kids and a massive dog, it was necessary. But no mini van. Instead, I found an SUV with three rows of seats and plenty of room in the back for Frank since the kids insisted we let him ride with us when we went to places like the park or Regina and Robin's.

I couldn't believe I started my life with no family, and now I had four kids, a husband, and all of these people who I considered my family. Sometimes I still wondered where my parents could be, and if they ever tried to find me like I did Henry, but I would cross that bridge when the time came.

Not to mention the rocky start Killian and I had. I have to admit, there was a time I thought we would never make it work, and I would lose the only man I had ever dared to trust after Neal, but we overcame our problems and here we were, both of us having a life we never even dreamed of.

Killian POV:

Sometimes I still had nightmares. They varied, my father drunk and searching for me, yelling all the while. Liam and I used to hide around the house until he slumped over somewhere, and cry because we wanted our mother so badly.

Then there was Emma, those were even more haunting. Her face when she felt betrayed and hurt by me, when she was bleeding on the ground after that bastard Gold shot her, and crumpled at the feet of Gold's associate, who ended up locked away for life and his entire operation investigated and shut down by an undercover officer.

Years had passed, and I had everything with my wife, but sometimes my demons found their way out of where I had locked them up. She was there for me when I wanted to talk about it, sometimes those old feelings came up for her too. But we always picked the other back up so we could carry on.

The children brought us so much joy, we thought we would be complete with just each other, then she found Henry and we had Liam, Ruth, and Jane, and life seemed that much brighter.

All was well with the Jones family.

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