Chapter 30:

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Emma POV:

That following Thursday, Killian was over for dinner and a movie night with Henry and I. The past couple of days I had been walking around with confidence, there was no way Killian would be ready to move in with us. It was true that we had spent nearly a year sharing feelings between us, even if our actual relationship was rocky at first. But moving in was a huge step.

So when we sat down to eat that night, Henry dropped the bomb.

"Hey, Killian, do you want to live with us?" He asked out of the blue.

Killian choked on his food and I had to pat him on the back to get him breathing again.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked.

"Aye, lad. You just caught me off guard." He said, his face still beet red. He took a minute to drink some water and steady himself.

Here it comes. I thought.

"Well, what does your mother say?" He asked.

Wait, what? I was expecting a long winded discussion about how things like that had to be taken slowly.

"She said if you say yes, it's okay." Henry excitedly said, practically bouncing in his chair.

Killian eyed me. "So that's how she feels? Well lad, if that's what she said then we're a go!"

Now it was my turn to nearly choke on my food. I glared at Killian whenever Henry wasn't looking for the rest of the meal. Judging by that eye brow, he was messing with me. And he would pay.

Killian POV:

So Emma wanted me to move in but somehow convinced Henry to do the asking. Judging by her reaction, I don't think she expected Henry to rat her out.

So after dinner she sent Henry to pick a couple of movies and she rounded on me in the kitchen.

"Since when do you move so fast?" She said.

"I'm not sure what you mean, love." I asked, confused.

"Henry wanted you to move in, but I didn't think you'd want to so I told him to ask you thinking you would say no." She crossed her arms.

"So you don't want me to move in?" I asked, a little disappointed now.

Her face went from irritated to sympathetic and she took my hand.

"I don't know, Killian. That's kind of a big step, and we've only been together for about a month."

"Swan, I've loved you much longer than a month." I squeezed her hand in an attempt to assure her.

"I know, but..." She drifted off.

I knew what this was about, I wasn't angry. I knew she would take some work to break down those walls, especially after what I'd done.

"Emma," I stepped closer, "listen to me closely. I know what I did before, and I hated myself for it. I still do. I know I'm on my last chance and I promise you, if I manage to screw up again, you can toss me right out that front door and I won't blame you one bit. I love you, let me prove it to you."

She stared at the floor and I sighed. "If it's truly moving too fast, I'll talk to the boy-"

"No." She suddenly cut me off. "I can't keep pushing you away. I want you here, Killian, and I want to open myself up to you and the next step is this. We can't make any progress if one of us is stubborn and closed off."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "You're sure? Because you can change your mind at any time."

"Henry loves you, so do I." She stroked my cheek with her fingers and I leaned into the touch. "Besides, we can have more..."

"Intimacy?" I pulled her a bit closer, clawing lightly at her waist.

She smiled flirtatiously at me.

"Guys! I picked a movie!" Henry interrupted us. She laughed and kissed me on the nose.

The next day I went to talk to Liam. The house had been our parents', and he was the eldest so I thought it was right to give him a chance to live there if I was moving out.

Elsa answered the door when I knocked and beamed at me. She looked like she was over the moon about something.

"Come in! Liam!" She called over her shoulder.

I walked in and my brother strode up to me.

"Killian! Always good to see you."

"You too. I have something to discuss." I explained to him.

"This sounds serious." Liam pointed out.

"No, not that serious. Emma and I have decided to move in together. She can't break the lease on her house and it's Henry's home, so we'll be living there." I cut to the chase.

"Oh! That is serious! Congratulations brother!" He patted me on the back. I grinned proudly.

"I wanted to know if you and Elsa might like to live in the house, since I'll no longer be there." I proposed.

Liam and Elsa smiled at each other.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Well, Liam and I have some news." She took his hand. "We're going to have a baby."

It took a few seconds for it to set in that I was going to be an uncle.

"Liam! Elsa! That is fantastic!" I hugged them both. Then anther realization hit me. "You can have the house for your little one! This is a one bedroom apartment, you could use the space."

"That's what we were thinking as soon as you told us you were moving out." Liam laughed a little. "Well, this is working out perfectly."

"Indeed." I agreed. "So when will my niece or nephew arrive?"

"In about seven months." Elsa answered me. "Oh, this is so great! You and Emma are going to live together with Henry and we don't have to worry about space for our kids!"

It was working great. I called Emma as soon as I left and told her the news, she was over joyed for them.

That Friday, I had all of my essentials packed. I brought a few pieces of furniture that Emma said would be great, but everything else was to be sold in an estate sale. I had kept it all there in memory of my parents, but now I was ready to let it go. We kept the pictures of them, of course.

Everything I was taking fit in the back of my truck, and that weekend Elsa and Liam had a moving company helping them. I was excused from that just for Saturday because I had promised Henry we could go to a park, but Sunday the three of us were there and helping them unpack.

Elsa adored Henry, she had always been great with kids. And her and Emma shared pregnancy tips with Anna chatting away as well. I smiled to myself, I could get used to this, it was beyond perfect.

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