Part 32

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"I gave you everything babe..
Everything I had to give
Girl why would you push me away..
Lost in an illusion
You know I'm used to making your day.."

That's when Aryan walked in..with a similar expression on his face..looking at her on the floor,He realised she must've found something too..he had hacked into Randhir's laptop and found a folder which broke his heart a little more..made him lose hope..made him question his own love for her..

He had given it his all..all he did in the day was in someway related to Sanyukta..either to love her or protect her or just be there for her when she was sad. He had spent a lot of time adoring her from afar..the day he realised she knew his name- he held that day so close to his heart. Was it all for nothing? Could he never get her..?

Was he chasing someone who was taken?
Was he irrevocably in love with someone who's heart wasn't even hers to give in return? "Randhir and Sanyukta.. They are..they..." He moved forward towards Shanaya trying to communicate what he had just found..

"Married. They're are married. "She finished with a sob,holding out the picture to him.."oh wait there's a ring too. " she said blankly,handing it to Aryan..

"I know..found a full folder of stuff on his laptop. All his college time photos were backed up along with few letters he seemed to have written to her and never sent.." He said looking at the folder and ring he was now holding..

"How could he? I thought I was the closest to him..if there was something this big,how could he have not mentioned it? So what are they still married? That's absurd..he hasn't seen her or spoken to her since the time I'm with him!!" She stood up now expecting nothing but the whole truth.
Meanwhile in the medical room..

"It's over Sanyukta,open your eyes now.." Randhir almost half smiled at her adorable ways.."what? It's over? Did you even take it? How come yours got over so quick?" She quizzed looking at the doc .."he tricked you into not giving it to him right? "

"Are you mad? He's done. Had you been a little brave and opened your eyes a bit ,you would know.." He said standing up almost fearing that she would take the injection and thrust it into his shoulder herself.."Don't worry Mrs Shekhawat..I've done my job well..he'll be fine .."

And they felt like all hell broke loose. What had the doctor just said?She had hardly recovered from the shock Randhir had given her,and Randhir. Well he was stone cold shocked..saying it himself for a purpose was one thing..having someone else address them as Mr and Mrs. Well that was a complete different ball game. He just realised what she must've felt when he had said it.

"Didn't I ..?"Randhir's rage was cut midway when she spoke "I'm not Mrs anything..I'm not married. He just said that so you would agree to give it to me..and because I was sacred. " she uttered straight faced to the doc and then smiled at Randhir "thank you "

And as she walked away he was hurt again. He wanted to laugh at how easily she could sway his mood. She always could and that hadn't changed till date. She could make him feel like heaven on earth when she loved him,and then in a moment she had the power to make his life a living hell. Who was to blame? Her? "No.."he grimaced.."it's me..the only person who is to be blamed is me..I gave her this hurt me time and again,to play me like a robot,her robot.."

Fb :
"You think you'll humiliate me so much in the morning and then come at night and hug me, and I should be okay? My mood will change according to you?" He had grumbled over their fight..his anger would scare anyone in that moment,but not her..

"Why won't it?" She had flirted holding him close by his neck.."just go away I don't want to talk.." He had turned away afraid that he'll give in..

"I know what will change your mood.."she had uttered sexily..hugging him from the back..then turning him around and proceeding to unbutton his shirt slowly..looking deep into his eyes.. And it took Randhir just halfway down his give into those eyes that held so much love for him..

As he held her face close ..losing all of himself including his anger and reciprocating with just love..

Sanyukta's room :

"Read his read most..he walked away because of her priorities. But he's not able to get her out of his head..not able to move on. " Aryan said and Shanaya quickly took them, asking Aryan to leave..they could hear someone approaching..

Tonight they would sleep on it. But one thing was for sure..tomorrow Randhir and Sanyukta would be acquainted in detail about the storm of feelings Shanaya and Aryan had suppressed tonight..

"Nothing can ever..ever replace you..
Nothing can make me feel like you do.."
You know there's no one ..I can relate to..
I know that we won't find a love that's so true. "
-Nothing like us.

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