Part 40

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"Still stuck in that time when we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise"

Shanaya felt bad looking at him completely broken. This was the worst state she had seen him in. She tried to forward her hand and console him but her hands stopped mid air when she saw him stroke Sanyukta's face in the photo he was still holding..

His thumb gliding over her beautiful happy face..a few drops of his tears fell onto the photo and he panicked,hating how Sanyukta's face got all blurry..and he immediately wiped it off so he could see her again.. "I guess there's nothing more left to discuss ..give me the stuff I'll keep it back where it belongs .." Shanaya said hesitantly..she knew it was hurting Randhir more than it was hurting her.

But she couldn't help it. It was something she needed to know. And Randhir wouldn't ever confess this on his own! Now that she had the details she wanted to be left alone ..she needed to sit back and rethink her entire relationship with Randhir. As soon as she forwarded her hand to take the ring and the photo..he instantly pulled away!

"Where does it belong Shanaya? It's mine! I made this ring. With these hands.." He gestured , the tears not stopping once. "My ring .. These people in the photo,they're my friends!!! "

"And she is your Sanyukta. Hmm. Got it. Sorry!" She finished for him. Her voice a mere whisper but the weight it held made him mum. He stood up to say something more to her.. "I wasn't going to..."

"Oh no you weren't. I know you wouldn't. But that's what you meant. That's what you feel. She's who you love. " Shanaya said looking straight at him, not blinking once. Not looking down even for a moment. She was dead sure of what she was talking and even though her eyes held a certain coldness he had never seen for himself ..the intensity of her words made him shut up for good.

He started walking towards the door ,looking back at Shanaya one last time before unlocking it finally and when he turned around, it hit him. The real pain. His friends, dad , mom, family , Shanaya could hurt him all they wanted and he would somehow live with that. But the only pain before which all his resolves would fail .. Was the pain which Sanyukta could inflict with her silliest actions.

The kind which could turn his days upside down , which could make nights last longer, which could make him want to die rather than bear it ..she did it with such ease. This wasn't the first time she made him question why he had fallen so badly for her...he stood there looking at her scrunched up like a ball holding Aryan and crying into his chest.

Aryan saw him look at her and he let go of her immediately.. But Randhir's eyes hadn't left her. When it came to Sanyukta, Randhir had the ability of focussing on her so much so that nobody else in the world mattered when he looked at her..

When he felt like he could speak again he murmured "Don't keep stuff locked up in your closet. It's not fooling anyone. So stop fooling yourself! " and she looked back hurriedly sensing his presence and his tone.

As soon as she turned , Randhir thrusted the photo into her hands and all his letters fell onto the floor. Her eyes now fixated at the photo he had handed it was done. He had seen this. That meant Shanaya had confronted him with this and she could only imagine how mad Randhir got.

"Are these? What the hell ..are these my letters? They're mine!!" He yelled irritated to no ends. How dare she?!?! He pulled her closer to him , showing complete authority over her! It gave him this sudden sense of comfort having her in his arms ..and not in Aryans ...He finally felt the nagging feeling he had, since he walked in today morning, die down , as he held her closer.. It felt so right.

But that's when Aryan spoke up "she didn't do anything!! I found these.." Why? Why did he always have to speak for her ? Defend her? She'd defend him was a freaking cycle. "Aryan leave. " he commanded softly at first ,looking nowhere else except her..but Aryan was worried about what he might do to Sanyukta. So he didn't budge.

"I know everything so just say whatever you want to ,to her. I'm not leaving her alone !" He said clearly fearing Randhir's wrath. But no one handled an angered Randhir better than Sanyukta. Aryan just didn't know and even now he couldn't help but be concerned.

The second Aryan uttered those words,she knew Randhir would lose his cool. He was trying very hard to avoid to the fight with Aryan cz right now he wanted to deal with just her. She could feel Randhir's grip loosen on her and was about to turn when she said "Aryan just leave..ill.. We'll talk later okay?"

She could feel Randhir pull out..but she tried holding him in place..she could feel him glare at her for taking charge but all she did was look at Aryan and convince him to go. As much as Aryan wanted to stay to ensure that she was okay..he knew it wasn't appropriate to stand and listen to what they spoke. Plus she asked him to leave..And so he did.

And she held Randhir's face in her palms as soon as Aryan turned away..trying to make Randhir walk away from his wrath. Trying to tell him that she was here,and that he could yell all he wanted now, she would handle him her way "Randhir please..he's gone now. Look here please..Randhir!!"

"If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairytales are full of shit"

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