Part 38

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"Another year Sanyukta ,another year since I made the biggest mistake..of marrying you..I bet you don't even remember it .." She continued to read as her lips trembled in pain ..did he not know her at all ? How could she forget that date ? ..

"I wish I could forget it all and live my life like nothing happened. I've decided I'll do that from today ..see I'm treating myself to cake and our favourite ice cream..celebrating this dreadful day without you feels good..I made the right choice ..and look on the bright side ..I get to actually eat all my ice cream..or you would never let me!!" And she almost laughed among her tears. Why did he have to be so cute even when he was hating on her?

These were the little fights she adored. She loved teasing him,loved arguing and watching him make his typical grumpy face. She loved when she would pull his cheeks and he would frown some more but later he'd give in and smile like nothing was so easy..their relationship was so easy..

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They weren't even back together..but they couldn't help but be around each other ..he decided to go drop her to her apartment and they had stopped for ice cream..

"Randhirrrrr...have you're own ice cream..."she had whined as he purposely took a big bite of her's even though he was holding his own !! He loved her cute,squishy eyebrow expression..annoying her was what had made him fall in love with her & he would never stop that!

She went ahead and held his hand in which he held his ice cream and took a big bite too, and then smiled her widest. She would always ,always compete with him, equal it out , no matter what they did together!!

Looking at her smile in success he lost himself ,this was precisely why he'd fallen for her, she would fight to take back what was rightfully hers, always.

She held his gaze as he rubbed the little drop of cream from the corner of her lips ..and it had taken her breathe away..his love and care was her haven. They were happy.

She only snapped out of it when Aryan spoke after a long time "So Mrs. Sanyukta Shekhawat ,is it?" And she could've sworn she would choke on the sudden outburst of tears wanting to fall off! "No I'm .." She began but was cut off "oh no , don't cry , and yes you are , you so are!!" He roared coming closer making her look up and hold the letters close to herself!

"Give me those!! And own up! I looked a lot for divorce documents,there aren't any, so I guess you are married. You didn't have to pretend you know ? And also if you did this so that I won't be hurt ..guess what? You ..I'm sorry you BOTH did pretty badly at hiding this!! I wish I never knew!" He said coming dangerously close to her,almost towering over her.

He tried taking away the letters but she held onto to them and started to cry harder. "Aryan stop it , you're hurting me !!" She sobbed and that just angered him more. He was the one who was hurt. He was the one who just realised the girl he loved dearly, the one he could probably give his life for, was married. And she was hurt ?

He clutched onto her arms and shook her up,making her look towards him "if you're hurt then what I am supposed to feel at the moment? Should I feel sorry for you? I've never known this feeling existed Sanyukta. But right now standing here, I feel betrayed,lead on, and like a fool. "

"No Aryan!! It's not that! We're not together anymore..I mean he left me okay? I loved him with all my life and he left! Never to return ! I tried a million ways but I couldn't find him! When I came to ISRC I didn't know he would come here too!! You know how I got in!! You know everything besides the past which I didn't and still don't want to recall. !!" She collapsed now hitting the floor, her heart, mind and body not able to withstand the blows from the past..

And Aryan's words somehow had made her realise one thing she hadn't thought about. They weren't divorced ever..they were married and now they were nothing. But they weren't divorced. And the mere technicality of that nagged her was different when Randhir was nowhere ,but nowdays he was right before her. Neither he nor had she even stopped to think about it.

"High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time"
-Zedd Clarity.


ALSOOOO want to share the biggest thing that happened with me in the past few days !! JUSTIN BIEBER FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!! ❤️😍👯🙌🏻🔥😱💕

I'm still dancing around about that!! Just isn't sinking in!! Such a dreamy experience !!

They say that good things take time , but really great things happen in a wink of an eye. -Miley.

I've lived and experienced this line a lot of times now. So very true :')

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