Part 43

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"He's so tall and handsome as hell,
He's so bad but he does It So Well..
I can see the end as it begins.. "
-TSwizzie , Wildest dreams.

And he did. This time more lovingly than the first. More sure, less anger, more love, less uncertainty, more passion,less aggression, more power, less care of the world. Her hands fell back immediately trying to support them both. The make up ,hairbrush,dryer now hitting the floor..

He took her hand,that was supporting them ,and placed it near his neck,not wanting to lessen her pleasure by any effort. He placed his own hand on the table supporting them, the other crushing her waist into him. Her hands crawled into his hair ,trying to deepen and intensify the moment more than it already was.

As she threw her hands up even further to hold him closer ,his hand automatically held the bare portion of her waist and none of them wanted to let go. But he knew her. He knew how she wouldn't stop thinking about this later and probably curse herself for letting it go so far. "I knew we wouldn't talk, I'm leaving Sanyukta!"

He held her for a moment there gazing right into her,it took a lot to walk away. He wanted to stay so bad, but not this way, this wasn't right. This was just them venting physically and would do no good in the long run!! The moment he turned she held his tee and turned him sharply "where? To console Shanaya?is that more important to you now?!"

And he actually looked at her in surprise. What was she even saying? It was rare when Sanyukta got jealous. She was generally really secure about how he felt for her. She never said these things even when they were was just always him,always scared of losing her. "Do you hear yourself Sanyukta! I didn't even know this was in the list of issues we have!!"

"Okay fine what to you want to talk about?! You tell me!" She said her frustration clearly visible as she slouched on the table. She didn't realise he was doing this for them. To lessen the guilt later. "Do you love me Sanyukta?" He asked looking straight at her not wasting a second.

To say she was taken aback would be an understatement. She looked at him as he looked back in all seriousness. And hope?She knew the answer but there were a million questions she needed to answer before she answered that. She wasn't ready for that. She wasn't ready to let him again. Infact she didn't even want to face that thought for now.

It suddenly hit her what they were Upto! And she felt like a complete mess. Not able to handle her emotions. But him. He had grown so much. Wasn't she the mature one? But when it came to respect and not crossing lines, Randhir had always held her with such reverence. "If it's taking you that long to answer ,forget everything we did,I probably shouldn't even be in your room right now!"

She stood up to walk to him and explain "No it's not that.." She wanted to say so much. No it wasn't that she needed to think. She knew. But this was the exact feeling which she was running from. And had dedicated two years doing so. It was the feeling she didn't want to face , the one which wanted to make her go lock herself up and cry for countless nights. No one had brought it up or put her in the spot to answer this yet!

She couldn't count the days when she asked herself the same question again and again. Not just if she did love him. But why she did? And when would it stop? Would it never leave her?How many more days,months, years would she have to feel miserable about him leaving! Why her love wasn't strong enough to make him stay? How much her love had failed to the point that she questioned it sometimes.

This question was unexpected. And she just couldn't deal. "Leave it,you don't have to answer, I know this isn't going anywhere.." He said heading for the door when she yelled across the room..

"Why this question? You want a real conversation? Let's talk about our marriage! Or the divorce? We should really discuss the real deal since you're so keen on talking! I didn't want to ruin it Randhir. I know you can't have this conversation,I know you don't have the strength to face some of the questions I have!! " and he turned around, his face burning with rage, his eyes intimidating the air around even, but not her.

She stood there face up, eyes full of conviction. If he wanted to do this. She would make it happen her way! "What did you just say? Discuss what?" It was like a second chance. For her to rectify what left her mouth. But she didn't budge. She wasn't afraid of facing him ever. She knew this would hurt, but it was now or never.

He never expected her to say something like that. What divorce? Why? He hated that word. His parents had been thru the same mess. It was the ONE situation he didn't want himself and Sanyukta to ever land into! And they'd never spoken about it. Honestly it hadn't traced his mind! Had she been thinking about this since two years? Is this what she wanted to ask after all this time?

She knew it all and she chose to hurt him where it hurt the most. He laughed humourlessly "it's funny how you still leave me shocked when you hurt me this way. No one manages it as well as you do Sanyukta ! You know my weakness and you use it so brilliantly!Now we're exactly like my parents. Mission accomplished. "

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