Part 44

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"Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends
It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense
Don't speak as I try to leave 'cause we both know what we'll choose" -Clarity.

Shit. She didn't mean it in that way. She didn't even connect the two when she said that. It was only in her head since this morning when Aryan had said it! She wouldn't ever bring it up if Aryan hadn't put the thought there. It was a spur of the moment reaction ..she yelled to make him stop, to just retaliate back to the his question.

His question had taken her by surprise and she hated how it made her look..he didn't give her a chance to even speak. She wanted to ask the same question back to him. She should've stuck to that! But she just didn't think twice. So much had happened since was way too much to wrap her head around.

She now realised everything he meant. They weren't in a state of mind to discuss stuff! He knew it would get ugly. He wanted to avoid precisely situations like these..but the question she asked..he hadn't even imagined she would go there, heck. She couldn't imagine she touched this topic so casually. Especially because no one knew about his parents and how much it impacted Randhir, more than Her.

"Come let's talk about it Sanyukta. Tell me since when have you been planning to find me to do this? All those times you tried to contact me, it was all for this,wow! And now see I'm here, finally you can get rid of me for good.." He walked real close to her ,this time hating her presence in his life.

"No Randhir..I didn't ..Aryan brought.." She tried to touch his shoulder knowing it wouldn't do any good..the damage was done. "Aryan. Of course Aryan. He wants this. And you're with him now so you want a clean conscience! So you can start afresh and ruin his life too! " he said throwing her hand off and holding her face within his Palms tightly.

"I ruined you're life? Is that all you remember of us?" She said totally avoiding the other allegations. The misconception had hit him hard and there was no way out now. Not right now, not for a while now. She didn't know how long this would take to rectify or if it ever would get sorted..

"You're still doing don't's like a curse,but it's fine I have a ton of practice..Guess this is what I chose, I chose you with all the love I had to offer,and this came along with it. And now this is all that remains of us!" He said coldly making her shudder. The amount of hate in his voice right now..this was what she feared. This was what she was telling Aryan..she didn't think she could stand anymore of it..

What felt worse was, it was her fault she brought this up. It wouldn't have gotten so ugly had she just listened to him and let him walk out. This wasn't the right time nor was it the right way to approach this topic. "Randhir just for once..listen..I'm not asking for one..!!" She tried holding his hands that held her face so tightly..

"Oh you do. When you said you wanted to talk, I thought it was about us trying to solve stuff. But I forgot who I was dealing with. You want this over ,well guess what it was over a long time back..and if you want confirmation, you'll have it first thing tomorrow morning ..." He said as it crushed his heart to even imagine it. But when were they ever married? They had hardly started living that life when he walked away..

"Randhir,NO, why are you assuming.." And he shook her entire frame until her back it the wall ,and he joined their foreheads,closing his eyes, not letting go of her hurt so bad. This was the one situation he feared at the start of their relationship..

FB :
"Randhir what's the problem, I love you, I know you love me a lot, then why don't you want this?" She had asked helplessly a week after they had confessed that they loved each other..

"Ya so I do love you, but what does that have to do with a relationship? Relationships always end badly Sanyukta. Look at my parents , they loved each other and now they can't even see each other's face!" He had said adamantly, so afraid of ever looking at Sanyukta in that way!

"Not all relationships end that way. You can't generalise Randhir! We won't end up that way!!" She had said, her tone promising him a lifetime of togetherness..

"No, not all, but most of them Sanyukta, look what happens after marriage!! Either they're unhappy or divorced, what's the point? " he wasn't going to budge so soon! "But Randhir..." She tried..

"I'll always love you Sanyukta, but I don't want to be in a relationship!" That had been his fear, insecurity on losing her, uncertainty of it ever working out. He could stay away from her and love her from afar, but he would never want them to look at each other that way his parents did. It was his worst nightmare!
"This is such a nightmare Sanyukta,you brought it to life! After knowing everything.." He said with eyes shut as tears adorned his face. "Randhir, please, I don't want it..I wasn't..I was just discussing ..actually I don't care, I love .." She tried everything ,anything, she couldn't see him this way. She knew one thing, today when he would walk out that door, they'd be done for good..and that thought made her lose the ability to form sentences.

"Don't! Don't you dare try and manipulate me by saying that now. You said what you truly wanted to. Don't stand here now and lie to my face! You want closure, so be it!" He uttered with determination and she panicked "Don't you hear me?! Randhir! Please ...don't .." She sobbed holding his tee shirt, his neck, his face, trying to make him believe somehow!

But when Randhir decided something, it was the last word, he would have it his way. "You asked for a divorce, now take it. This is goodbye. " he said, giving her the harshest,ruthless, most unlovable kiss he ever had. And walked out that door..her door, as she crashed to the floor, knowing he wasn't coming back.

"And his voice is a familiar sound..
Nothing lasts forever,
But this was getting good now!"

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