01 - restart

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My alarm went off at 6.15am.

With a sigh, I opened my eyes and just starred at the ceiling.

"Here you go." I whispered. Normally I would just press snooze until I was 5 minutes late already, but this was the first day at college. Not only that, but the fact that I was in a complete different country. Who am I fooling, I am in an complete different continent.

I would like to say that I am nervous as fuck, but that would be an understatement.

I got up, walked over to my wardrobe, if you could call it like that. It was more of a 'how many piles of clothes could fit on this chair' kinda thing.

I moved in a little apartment on my own, in this lovely little town called Holmes Chapel.

It was not my decision but I wouldn't complain. More to that part later.

I decided for the casual and grabbed a black skinny Jeans, a oversized knitted pullover. I never really cared what people thought of me and I wouldn't start now, that was for sure. I walked over to my bathroom and stripped my Pyjama off to take a quick shower. I quickly rinsed my body off and washed my hair and then stepped out again. I put my clothes on, dried my hair off but let it in my natural state. They were kind of wavy but I liked them that way. Then I put a little make-up on, nothing much. Just a little mascara and my usual eyeliner.

By the time I finished it was 7am and I stepped out of my apartment. My first class started at 8.30am so I would have plenty of time to just go for a walk to calm my nerves and grab something to eat and a coffee.

I walked along the still empty streets and put my headphones in and started to play some music. I walked with my head down and tried to steady my breath. I came along a nice looking bakery and entered it.

I put one of my headphones out and starred at the selection of sandwiches. I wasn't hungry in the slightest but I thought it would help me.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" a dark raspy voice called.

I looked up to look directly at a quite tall boy, he had long curly hair, dark green eyes and a stunning smile. He noticed me starring and smirked with a confused expression.

"A tea maybe?" He smiled.

I let out a annoyed laugh, "What is it with you british's and your tea?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oi, so you're not from here I guess?" He asked, still smiling.

I was getting kinda annoyed because I just wanted to get some coffee.

"Obviously." I muttered. "A coffee to go." I added on.

He nodded and went behind the counter, to arrive 2 minutes later with the dark brew in a coffee to go cup. I reached for my purse but he shook his head and smiled.. again.

"It's free house for you today. Since you're kinda new." He reached across the counter to give me my coffee and I saw a few tattoos on his arm and his hand.

"Uhm, thanks. Bye." I forced a smile and left the bakery.

If everyone was going to be this fucking fake and all happy I would have to throw up. I'm not even joking. I know I may seemed rude but I couldn't care less to be honest, I was never one to be nice.

I still had over an hour to kill so I decided to walk to a little park I've came across a few days ago and placed myself on a park bench in front of a small lake. Everything was covered in dew and it was a bit cold but nothing unbearable. I sipped my coffee and took my cigarettes out of my bag, took one and put it between my lips, then I reached for my lighter and lit it. I inhaled the smoke just to exhale it right after. I've smoked quite a few years and I'm not planning on quitting any time soon.

Anyway, I think it's time to introduce myself.

I'm Millie, 20 years old and I used to live with my parents and my big brother Isaac in the States. We lived in Michigan, well I used to live there. My family still lives there, but since I'm a 'troublemaker' as my mom would always say, they thought it would be a good idea to send me a few thousand miles away so they wouldn't need to cope with me anymore. Not that I cared, I love living on my own and they support me with money so I can concentrate on my education. It's pretty fucked up, but I'm not complaining. I just missed my friends, I've always found it a bit hard for me to make some.

There's more to that story, but I couldn't think about that right now, all there was in my mind, was that in 45 minutes I had to go to my first class. I've majored in creative writing and english literature, I've always dreamed about writing my own stuff, not really believing that it would happen.

I just sat there, listened to my music and watched the sun going up on the horizon. I actually calmed me down and I felt a bit better now.

At 8.15am I started to walk to my University, it was just a 5 minute walk so I had enough time to look out for my class.

I reached the building and walked past the other people, no one seemed to notice me, because they were all with their friends just having normal conversations.

"Room 345." I whispered and looked at the map they secured at the entry hall. I quickly found it on the map and started to walk in the direction the map told me.

As I reached it, I entered the class room and walked in the far back and took a seat on the far left of the room. I still had 5 minutes and I started pulling my notebook and my pen out, pulled my headphones out and placed them in my bag. I took the last sip of my coffee and threw the cup in my bag so it wouldn't get in my way.

I wrote the date on the right upper corner on my notebook and waited for the class to begin. It was quite empty since first off, not many people lived in Holmes Chapel so I expected it to be quite small classes and second, not many people majored in English literature.

A quite tall man with glasses, dark brown hair, styled in a quiff entered the room. He had a large bag swung around his shoulders and placed it on the desk.

"So, welcome to your English literature class. I'm happy to see many new faces and I hope we will have a good time here together. I'm Mr. Cromwell."

We all nodded and he smiled. Why was everyone so fucking happy here.

"Okay, first off I want you all to write me an essay." Everyone in the room growled. "I know, I know. But it's not just an essay on some topic. For the beginning..." When he hadn't continued talking I lifted my head to see the reason.

In the door was a boy standing, rather awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Cromwell, my shift took a little longer." he had a lopsided smile and waited for an answer.

"It's okay Mr. Styles, just take a seat, I just told the class about what we're gonna write an essay." Mr. Cromwell informed him.

He nodded and with long and fast steps he walked to the last row. My row. As he came nearer I recognized him, he was that fucking happy guy from that bakery earlier.

Silently I hoped he wouldn't sit next to me. As if god heard my prayers, he seated himself a few seats next to mine. But since there were people inbetween us, he didn't recognized me.

I was already annoyed with this class.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading.

This is my first FF in english since I'm german, so please please always correct me if Ive got anything wrong! I know Millie seems so rude, but she's had a hard time and it will all be revealed.

But not anytime soon HA.

I've got many ideas to that story so I'm looking forward to write.

And i just like the thought of Rachel Hilbert as Millie, but you can imagine whoever you want to.

Please leave me a vote if you enjoyed this chapter. :)

I always hate waiting for Harry's first arrival so I just made him enter straight away.

Loads of love x

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