25 - surprise

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I had to fight the urge to cry on the spot, the fact that Millie poured her heart out and wrote how she felt was only a part of why I was getting emotional. Mostly, because she finally admitted her feelings towards me and wrote that I was the reason for her happiness.

I mean, I was the reason for her happiness!

That fact alone, made me acknowledge how my feelings for her were strong as fuck. The way she laughed, they way she was grumpy, the way she moaned my name, the way she tried to have me with her by all times. I was utterly in love with that stupid, perfect girl.

I would not admit it, she would only be scared away. But I know that I do and I won't suppress my feelings. I will just not tell her yet, it's not the time.

Right now, she was sitting in my car as we drove home, she was silent since the moment we left College. I knew she was caught up in her thoughts and I didn't want to interrupt her, even though I just want her to know, that I was really touched and happy. I knew she was feeling unsure and confused and I knew she didn't want anyone to know about that essay, but I think Mr. Cromwell did the right thing to read it out loud.

"Harry?" Millie interrupted my thoughts. I turned my head to her, smiled lazily and responded. "Hmm, love?"
"I'm sorry." she mumbled, while she fiddled with her fingers around. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my attention to the street again. "For what exactly do you feel sorry?" I returned, quite confused.

She was quiet for a moment and then exhaled a breath, "I know, what I wrote was a bit.. intimate. And I know that we haven't got a label, hell, I don't even know what we are.. So I'm sorry if I scared you away. I never thought you'd get to read this essay." she explained.

We reached our apartments and I killed the engine and turned my whole body towards Millie, she was staring out of the window.
"Look at me." I demanded and she hesitated for a moment, but then turned her head towards me. "Millie, you have not scared me away. Not at all. For a matter of fact, you even drew me in even more. I'm not scared of your feelings, I'm scared of mine. I think I'm feeling a lot more for you, than you do for me. I'm so so happy that I got to read that essay, because now I have some sort of reassurance, that you're feeling a little bit like I do. You understand me?" I cupped her face and caressed her soft cheek with my thumb, she instantly relaxed at my touch.

"I just thought, that you wouldn't want to know how I feel, because I'm scared of what I'm feeling. And I thought, I don't even know.." she rambled. "Rubbish." I laughed and she smiled in response. "Stop being scared, Millie I'm not going anywhere okay? You won't lose me. I've fallen for you so hard, that I can't even stand the thought of losing you." I slowly leaned forward, pecked her lips softly, "I'm all yours." I mumbled.

When I leaned back in my seat, she locked eyes with me, took my hand and lifted them to her lips, kissed my cross tattoo and smiled.

"I'm all yours, too."



I woke up, to an annoying ring of my doorbell.
It was Saturday, but still quite early in the morning. The ringing didn't stopped and when I looked at my clock, I instantly groaned.

Who the fuck would wake me at 4.12am?

I slowly got up, only wearing a shirt and panties as I reached the door, my eyes still lazy and swollen from my sleep. I opened the door only a bit, to look who it was.

It was no other than our lovely Harry.

"Are you being serious?" I grumbled and he laughed at my tiredness. "It's 4am." I opened the door and let him in, while I was walking over to my couch.

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