31 - breakdown

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"W-What do you mean?" I heard Harry, not seeing him anymore, due to my closed eyes. I was still shaking, my bottom lip harshly between my teeth, trying to breathe regularly.

"Fuck, Harry. She is having a fucking panic attack, calm her down." Hannah quietly demanded, her voice still calmed though.
"How do I do that?" he asked, the nervousness clearly there. He patted me everywhere he could reach, like a fucking dog. I slowly opened my eyes to see him staring at me, not knowing what to do.

"Fuck off." she pushed him away and took his place. I did not fight her, I couldn't even get a thought straight.

Hannah locked eyes with me, not even Harry was trying to fight her. Her eyes flickered between mine, silently telling me, that she was here. She now laid her hands on my shoulders, gently squeezing them.

"Hey," she calmly smiled, "Look, I know you don't like me and that's okay. I'm going to help you now, got it?" her eyes never leaving mine. I was not answering her question. "Millie, nod if you hear me properly" she gently demanded and I slightly nodded, only she was noticing it, because it was barely visible. "Okay, you are good. No need to panic, whatever happened, can be solved, alright?" she reassured me.

"Now you need to do me a favour, okay?" she asked and I nodded again in response, my eyes not leaving hers. I found something so calm in her eyes, that I did not want to break the contact.

"You now need to breathe with me, understand? Watch my mouth and try to do the same." She slowly spoke and started breathing. She loudly breathed in, showing her teeth, the air that entered her lungs making whistling sounds through her gritted teeth. "In." she breathed in. "And out." she loudly exhaled, forming an 'O' with her mouth.

"In...out..In..out." she repeated a few times, until I finally tagged along, trying to match our breathings. "You're doing so well." she cheered and I even smiled a bit, feeling myself calming down. I started taking in the surroundings more, now seeing Harry standing right next to Hannah, watching me gaining the control over myself back.

Hannah still repeated her breathing exercises with me, which I still joined. I breathed in and out, until I felt myself being there again. I slowly blinked, finally calming down completely.

"You're good again?" Hannah let her hands drop from my shoulders again, gently smiling at me. "I'm good." I whispered, only now realising who I had in front of me.

"Brilliant." Hannah nodded in approval, as Harry gently shoved her a bit, to hug me tightly. "You good babe?" his husky voice asked and I slightly nodded. "Good again." I was still at a loss for words.

I got out of Harry's hold, turning my attention to Hannah. "Thank you." I smiled and she just winked, "it's okay. Glad you're feeling well again." she rubbed my shoulder.

I was a bit taken aback by her comfort and her help. She was being so gentle and nice to me, I was definitely not expecting that. Me and Harry smiled at her and thanked her a last time, before we slowly got out of the toilet, approaching our booth again.

Luke's head snapped up and he shot us a knowing smile. "Aaah, after we saw Hannah walking in, we thought you'd either have a hot threesome or some boxing fight. But according to Millie's red face, it was a threesome." He grinned widely and I nervously smiled. Harry slung his arm around me, pulling me into him and kissing my forehead. "Not sharing this one with anybody." His chest pressed against my shoulder and I leaned my head against him for comfort.

"Sooo, you wanna pay and leave? We can still go to a bar, what do you say?" Harry offered and everyone nodded in agreement.

We all payed out food, well, Harry payed for mine even though I insisted on paying myself. We agreed that I could buy him some drinks.
We were about to leave, when we closed the door behind us and saw Hannah in front of the diner, impatiently tapping her foot on the cement and her phone glued to her ear. "Where are you? I'm not waiting any longer!" she sighed, looking rather sad.

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