33 - haunting past

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"Where the fuck is my highlighter?" Gina yelled frustrated across the floor. "Take mine." Hannah yelled back, while straightening her hair carefully. "Millie, when are they going to arrive?" she asked, while I was changing clothes, being almost ready. I took a quick glance at the clock in my bathroom.

"Uhm, fifteen minutes." I slowly panicked, getting rid of my clothes, standing there in my undergarments. "What the fuck. Where has the time gone." Hannah whispered.

We were all getting ready for a nights out. A few weeks have passed since the events at the bar and I'm glad to say, we all build a nice friendship. I took Hannah more often with us and everyone started to like her, even though they were quite hesitant at the beginning. Gina was still a bit careful, but wouldn't show it. I liked Hannah, she was fun being around and she even told me that David slept at her house that night. I think she likes him a bit.

"Gina, are you quite finished?" Hannah yelled and Gina only responded with an loud 'ARGH'. "I'm stressed don't talk to me." she screamed then, which only made us chuckle. I was almost finished, I only needed to pick out something to wear.

I ran into my bedroom, opened my closet and shook my head. "Dress or jeans?" I asked myself and tapped my foot against the wooden floor. I decided for a tight ripped black skinny jeans and a white top with a light blue blouse over it. Then I prepared everything for the guests, since we agreed for pre games at my apartment. The two girls were still hurrying around, trying to get ready on time.

When I heard the doorbell, I quickly opened the door for the boys. Harry, David, Luke and Ryan, another friend of Harry I've come to meet were standing there.

Fucking England with their handsome men.

"Helloooo." I sang, "come in." I offered. Harry entered last, giving me a peck on the lips, which turned out into a hot tongue involved make out session.

"MILLIE," Hannah panicked, "I got fucking make up over my trousers, can I borrow.." and then she stopped mid sentence, letting out a high pitched scream. She was currently standing there in her top and a thong. I guess she hasn't heard the boys yet.

All eyes were locked on her, trying to restrain a laugh, while she stood there completely shocked, not moving an inch. "Oh my god." I slapped my hand over my face and laughed into it, while I felt Harry's arms grabbing me from behind and locking his arms around my waist, chuckling into my neck, trying to hide his amusement.

I quickly snapped out of it, wriggled out of Harry's grasp and rushed over to Hannah, taking her by her wrist and pulled her into my bedroom, closing the door behind us.

"Why do I have to be so embarrassing." she asked quietly, still completely shocked as she sat on the bed, pulled her knees into her chest and rested her forehead on her elbows. "Calm down, it's not like they've never seen a girl in a thong, it's alright." I calmed her and when she started to giggle, I knew that she knew that I was right. "Probably." She rolled her eyes in amusement and stood up again. "Take what you need, I'll be waiting outside." I smiled and offered her my clothes, then I left the bedroom again.

When I approached the guys, they were already drinking, Gina already joining them. Harry noticed me, sitting on the couch, holding his hand out, which I of course accepted and pulled me into his lap. "Quite the starter." he still laughed about it.

"Don't make any comments about it please." I told them all and they just nodded. "Still funny." David laughed and everyone agreed.

After a few minutes, Hannah hesitantly opened the door and peaked out, "If I'm coming out, promise you won't laugh at me?" she pouted and everyone promised not to. She slowly walked out of my room, wearing a pair of normal skinny jeans from me. "Thanks Millie." she shyly smiled and sat down on the floor. We were all scattered around the table, some of the couch and some on the floor.

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