21 - bad decisions

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My insides made a turn and my heart was increasing it's speed. My whole body felt numb and the colour probably drained from my whole face. I felt like throwing up right here. My body was shaking uncontrollably and my breathing was fast.

Right in front of me was Cindy lying on the floor, her whole face was covered in blood and her clothes were a bit ripped open, but not too bad.

When I heard some muffled words, I snapped my head up, just to see two dark figures disappearing in the dark. I wanted to run after them but first off, I couldn't move at all and second, it was more important to look after Cindy.

When I finally came to my senses, I ran the short distance to Cindy, "what have I done.." I mumbled, while I tried to wake her up. But she was unconscious. "Cindy, darling. Wake up, please wake up. I'm so sorry, tell me you are alright." I felt hot tears brimming at the edge of my eyes. "Help." I shouted. "Please.. I need help." I yelled from the top of my lungs, hoping someone would hear me.

I pushed a few strands of her hair out of her in blood covered face, trying to make out where the blood was even coming from. "Cindy, please wake up." I loudly cried, the tears now streaming down my face.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE I NEED HELP, PLEASE. SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE." I yelled again and that's when an older men turned around the corner. I held Cindy's body in my arm, sitting on the ground and trying to make her talk to me.

"What the.." the man started, but suddenly shook his head. "Is she alive? I'll call an ambulance." he panicked and just then I noticed, I haven't even checked her pulse. I was too scared and too drunk to get a thought straight.

I hesitated, but I then checked her pulse and I took a deep breath, when I felt a beat. "She is alive, but unconscious." I cried, not even bothering that I did so. The man wasn't even listening anymore, as he made a phone call.

And all I did, was lying with her on the ground, holding her in my arms and letting my salty tears stream on her face, where they twirled up with the blood and ran down her face. I didn't knew how much time has passed, but there was already a small crowd around us, watching me holding her with shocked and sad expressions.

I rocked her back and forth in my arms, "I'm so sorry, I should've walked you home, I should've held my promise. Please wake up, I'm so sorry." I silently cried and whispered her some comforting words.

"The ambulance will be there soon, son." The man informed me and I just nodded. "We can't do anything but wait." He said and just stood awkwardly behind me.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I heard someone screeching and the whole crowd turned around, just to see Kelly stomping towards me, furious and teared up, just as me.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed, but she was having none of it. The tears were streaming down her face as well. "She told me she would get a cab and I shouldn't worry, but.." I tried to explain, but she was pushing me away, getting Cindy out of my grip.

"Baby, I'm here okay? You'll be alright." she mumbled into her ear. I was now leaning against the wall, my forehead resting on my knees, while I pathetically cried out loud.
"Kelly, I'm so sorry." I tried but she interrupted me. "Shut up, I told you to take her home, I should've never left her." She cried into Cindy's hair.

"Bro, come on. We'll get you home." I heard David calling, as he crouched down next to me. "No, I need to know what happens to her." I replied, still crying. I couldn't bare the guilt I felt.

"You had your chance to look after her." Kelly snapped, but I couldn't blame her.
I wiped my tears, when I saw the blue lights and the loud sirens.

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