05 - carefree

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"You can not be fucking serious." I muttered under my breath. I guess he didn't hear it, because he only smiled. I sighed, "yes, I'm going out." Then turned him my back and pulled my cigarettes out and lit one. 

"Nice, where are you going? And are you .. alone?" He paused. "Sorry, it's not my business." 
"It doesn't matter where I'm going, it's a club. And yes, I am indeed alone as you can see nobody else standing here, can you?" I shot back. 

"So you're going to red roosters? Nice, I'm going, too. We can split a taxi if you want to?" He smiled again. How the fuck did he know that I'm going to red roosters? But before I could ask, he told me, "it's the only club here, so it wasn't that hard to find out where you're going." He explained. 

"Oh. Okay." I just stood there. I was already a bit tipsy because I downed the whole bottle too fast, but I loved the feeling between being totally shitfaced and being sober. Where you have no worries and everything still is so clear so you still have control over your actions and your words. But for that state, I still needed a bit more alcohol. 

"So you want to share a taxi?" He repeated his question. I just shrugged, "I don't care." 
"Great." He chuckled. 

"Hey, can I have a drag? The taxi should be here anytime soon and it would be a waste to light another one." He appeared next to me and I saw him smiling down at me. I took another drag and handed him my cigarette. 

He put it between his middle finger and his index finger and inhaled the toxic smoke. He repeated his actions a few times and handed it back to me. 

"Thanks." I gave him an half smile. 

I saw two headlights come nearer and threw my cigarette on the ground. The taxi came to an stop right in front of me and Harry opened the door to let me in. I seated myself and Harry took place right next to me. He sat closer to me then necessary, but I decided against making a stupid comment. Harry gave the driver the directions and then he drove off. 

I was looking outside my window, tried to avoid Harry's never ending questions. 

While looking outside, I inhaled Harry's scent. His scent was something mixed between mint and an aftershave I couldn't identify. It reminded me a bit of that scent, when you are in a forest and it just started to rain on a warm summer day. 

"I never noticed your tattoo." He stated. I turned my head to look down at my thigh, to look at my sugar scull tattoo. 

"How could you? I've never worn anything that would show my leg off." I questioned. 
"Well, that's true. Do you want to tell me what the meaning behind this is." He asked. 

"No, I'd rather not. It's a sugar scull. You can google it." I answered simply. There was a deep meaning behind it, but I wouldn't share that with Harry. 

The taxi driver chuckled and we both shot him a questioned look. He noticed and started laughing really loud. "Mate, she is clearly not interested." and then he started laughing louder. 
I started to grin, because Harry was looking rather pissed than amused. His skin was getting a light red tone and that made me starting to laugh as well. I had to hold my stomach from laughing so hard, because Harry was clearly embarrassed. 

"Yea, can you two just fuck off." He grumbled and that made us laugh even harder. 
"Oooh, it's okay Harry, not every girl wants to throw herself at you." I faked some pity. 

"Wait, why'd you think girls would throw themsel.." He didn't bring it any further because our taxi driver came to an stop. "We're here." He still had an huge grin on his face. 

I took my money out of my purse and handed him my half of the drive. Then I thanked him and Harry and me got out of the taxi. 

I walked straight to the entry without waiting for Harry. He would probably meet up with some people and I didn't want to stay with them, when he did not ask me to. I could have some fun on my own. 
I was almost through the entry, when someone grabbed my arm. 

"What the fu.." I started to shout, but looked at an rather big, muscled guy. He clearly was the security. 

"Mrs., I need your ID." He simply stated. 

"Oh, yes of course. Just a moment." I opened my purse to search for my ID, but I couldn't find it and panicked. 

"I.. I must've forgot it at home. Shit." I said while still looking in my purse. 
"Sorry, can't let you in without your ID. I'm afraid I need to ask you to leave." The security simply stated. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him so I just nodded. 

"Clark, it's okay, she's here with me." A voice behind me appeared. 
I turned around and Clark turned his head to look at whoever bothered him. 
Harry smiled at him and waited for an answer. 

"Oh, mate. Alright, if you say so." He answered and then let me enter. 

"It wouldn't hurt to say thank you sometimes, you know." Harry followed me.
"Thanks for your connections." I said and went straight to the bar.

I know that it wouldn't be hard to be nice sometimes. I can be nice. Sometimes I give homeless people something to eat or a bit money. I gave money to charity, too. I just didn't like being nice to people. I don't know why, but I just found it quite hard. 

I waited for an bartender to order something to drink, when I noticed someone standing next to me. I didn't even have to take a look, I inhaled his minty scent and knew it was Harry. This guy seriously needs to back off. 

"What do you want to drink?" He almost shouted, because the music was so loud. 
I looked up and rolled my eyes. He just laughed at my childish gesture.

"Come on, Millie. Let me pay for your drink. Just one time." He had a lopsided smile and I had to smile, too. He wasn't that bad, really. But I just didn't like letting people in my life that easily. 

"Alright, dickhead. I'll get a vodka lemon." I nudged him. 
He put an arm around my neck and rested it on my shoulder, then he pulled me in his direction, so I was standing right in front of him, with my back to his chest and with his arms still resting on my shoulder. I just smiled, I was too tipsy to care at that gesture. 

A bartender noticed us and asked what we wanted. 
"Two vodka lemon and two shots of tequila." Harry shouted and handed him the money. 

I felt Harry's breath right next to my ear, it made me kind of dizzy, but I wouldn't complain. 
As soon as I started to feel Harry's chest pressing into my back, I started to move my hips along the music. Nothing wrong with getting him a bit worked up. I pressed my bottom against his crotch and I felt his breath getting quicker. 

I only stopped, when our drinks came. He put his hands on my hips, turned me around so I was facing him. Then he reached behind me, took the shots and gave one to me. 
He looked me straight in my eyes, leaned in, so he was on eye-level with me and whispered in my ear. 

"To an brilliant night." He lifted his glass, we clinked it together and downed the alcohol. 


Hellooo :) 

hope you enjoyed this chapter even though nothing really happened. 

Like I said, things will take time between them, but Millie starts getting along with him so thats a hugeee step. I'll try to get a little more action in either way. 

Please leave me a vote and maybe a comment if you've liked this story so far. 
I would reallyyyy appreciate it xx

Loads of love x

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