45 - you're it for me

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Making my way upstairs was probably the most unnerving thing to do. Half of me was incredibly happy, touched and the only thing I felt was being cared about.

And hell, that was a feeling I never knew would be so beautiful.

And the other half of me was scared as shit. I never really experienced those feelings, and when I did, they didn't stay long enough for me to get used to them. So what if, after I was finally getting appreciated, it would soon wash away again?

Putting these bad thoughts away, I found myself standing in front of the heavy, grey door, that would lead me to Harry, I was quite sure of.

I took a deep breath, mentally preparing me for everything, and turned the door knob, pushing the heavy door open. A not cold, nor warm breeze instantly hit my face, and then the smell of chinese food.

When I looked up, I saw a scenario, I only thought I'd see in movies.

Beautiful lights were blinding my face, all around the floor. A wooden table with two chairs in the middle, candles all around the table and on the table. Soft music played in the background, making goosebumps rise on my soft skin.

And to make this even more perfect, a handsome man, dressed in black skinny jeans and a buttoned up shirt, was standing in front of it, a nervous smile on his lips and a bouquet of flowers, roses to be exact, in his large hands.

"Harry." I finally breathed out, making my way quickly towards him. He took some steps towards me as well, the smile never leaving his pink lips. When I finally reached him, I threw myself into his arms, nestling my face into the crook of his neck. He slung his arms around me, leaving sweet kisses on my forehead.

"I love you so much." I almost cried out, trying to keep it together. "I love you, too." I felt his smile in my hair.

"You did this all for me?" I obviously asked, in which he rolled his eyes, "actually, mom and dad wanted to join as well." He sarcastically remarked, my elbow meeting his stomach in a playful way. "You're absolutely amazing." I told him, still in disbelief at what he created for me.

"Only the best for my girl." He finally looked at me, leaning in and letting his lips linger on mine for a second, only to disconnect them again and gestured to the table. "Only the best, and some takeaway chinese food. Figured it would be better to actually get something edible, instead of cereal." He joked at this cooking skills, making me chuckle.

"Shall we?" He softly smiled, kissing me one more time. I nodded, following him to the table and sitting down.

We ate in comfortable silence, talking about the day I had and how he convinced Mr. Cromwell to let him place a letter in his class.

"Wasn't that much of hard work, after I explained. Still surprised that he stayed until you arrived." He furrowed his eyebrows, continuing to eat the chinese food.

After we ate, I saw in Harry's face, that he was about to say something, but instantly shut his mouth again.

"Spit it out, big boy." I teased, but his face wasn't too happy, which made me kind of nervous. "Okay." He breathed out, "don't get mad." - "What have you done?" - "Nothing!" "What happened?" - "Nothing, Millie listen." He finally shut me up, "I have a surprise. Actually, I have two. But the first one needs a bit of a explanation."

As he reached for something in his pocket, my heart instantly gained in speed. The rapid beat, almost hurting my chest and I was sure that Harry could hear it beating as well.

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