09 - provocate

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It seemed that I couldn't wipe that stupid grin off my face ever since Millie left the lift. 
She was quite something, one moment she was all philosophical and the next moment she closed up. But I was fucking interested, I wanted to get to know her, her bad habits and  her good ones, her weak moments and the things that made her weak. 

I wanted all of her, all her little secrets, all her habits, just everything.
I know, I sound fucking pathetic, but the last time I thought about a girl like this was.. well let's say, it's a long time ago. 

I wonder, if she thought about me as much as I thought about her. 

No. I laughed at my own thoughts. 
She wouldn't. I mean we've known each other for just a week and she was so into her own world, she probably just sees me as the annoying neighbour. 

My own thought were interrupted, when 'stressed out' by twentyonepilots started playing.
I looked on the table and saw an incoming call. 


I rolled my eyes and picked up. 

"Yes?" I shot. 
"Well, hello to you, too darling. How have you been? Haven't heard from you in.." But I interrupted her. 
"What the fuck do you want? You only call when you need something." I said aggressivly.
"I need you to pick out your best clothes. Oh, it would be brilliant if you wore that suit dad bought for you, if it still fits. Catherine is coming over tonight with Molly and David. And I want you to attend that dinner." I could see her fake smile plastered across her face. 

Catherine was the girl, my mom always wanted me to have a relationship with and Molly and David were her parents, they were exactly as fake as my mother. 

"Well, too bad that I'm having plans. And even if I wouldn't have plans, I wouldn't come." I faked friendliness, went into my room and walked on my balcony to have a smoke. Even the smallest conversations with my mom made me pissed.

"Harry." She said sternly. "I mean, Darling, it would be really important for your father and myself, if you could.. Are you smoking?" She asked after I just laughed at her. 

"Yes, I am fucking smoking for two years so why still surprised." I took a drag extra loudly and exhaled it even louder so she could hear me not giving a fuck. 
"Harry," she literally screeched, "language."

I snorted, "holy fucking hell, mother, do you really think that I would give a single shit about what is important to you and dad? I don't give two fucks if Catherine is coming over and I don't give a fuck about anything else you are doing for population." I put as many swear words in my sentences, because I liked her getting mad at me. 

"And now, if you excuse me, I have this lovely girl over and I need to fuck her senseless, so have a lovely dinner and greet Molly from me." then I ended the call. 

I knew my mom was furious, but I couldn't care less.

Suddenly I heard someone snorting. I couldn't suppress a smile. 

"Eavesdropping, huh?" I grinned. 
"Sorry, but that was just too hilarious." I heard Millie laughing from the balcony beneath me. 
"I have to lovely girl over and I need to fuck her senseless." she mocked me. 
"I don't even know your mom, but I can literally see her stomping her feet." And then she totally cracked up and I had to chuckle a bit, too. 

My mood got instantly better, the second I heard Millie laughing. 

"She is so fucking annoying, I can not believe it." I told her. 
"Mhh, that's what I thought." Millie calmed down. 

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