04 - you need to try

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The next few days were pretty unspectacular. I woke up, went to college, made notes, went home again, ate something and went to sleep. No more interactions with Harry and with no one else either. 

I actually started to feel a bit lonely. There were many people my age, but I just couldn't get the courage to talk to someone. I may seem rude at times, but I'm still shy as fuck. I had my friends back in Michigan, but they are not with me now and I really need some contacts, because some friends would make this whole time here easier for me. 

It was friday afternoon and I was beyond bored. I already cleaned my whole flat, made some dinner already and was now watching some documentation about astrology. I wasn't even listening, it was just so I wouldn't feel alone. I was at my phone, looking through facebook and just liking some stupid pictures. 

I decided to call Isaac, he always knew how to cheer me up. I searched for his name in my contacts and pressed call. After a few rings he answered. 

"Whoever the fuck you are, I'm going to kill you for waking me up." he grumbled with his morning voice.  

I let out a loud laugh, "to kill me you'd have to fly out here and I would really want you to."

"Holy fuck Millie. How are you? England's treating you good?" I heard his mood instantly switching. 
"I'm good, just feeling a bit lonely. Missing you all loads Isaac. Well, to be quite honest I haven't even made new friends." I admitted shyly. 

Isaac sighed, he knew that it was always hard for me. "Oh Millie. I wish I could be there with you. I'm missing you a lot lately. Why haven't you made any friends? You will make some good friends when you're getting your ass out of your house and actually talk to people, you know." 

I walked outside to my balcony to smoke a cigarette. I put one between my lips, flicked the lighter, inhaled and exhaled the smoke. 

"I don't know, everyone's already in their little groups. It's not that easy for me, you know that Isaac. I tried to interact with some people but I just have to many trust issues to actually cope with them." I sighed, knowing that he would not let this excuse count. 

"Millie, fuck. I know it's hard for you to trust, I really understand. But you can't let that get in your way anytime and everywhere. You are in england so you could make a new start where nobody knows you. Don't fuck this up, because it's only for your best." He sounded a bit sad. 

"I know, I know. But hey enough of my miserable time here, please. It's already depressing enough to think about it, I don't need to talk about it." I tried to sound happier and apparently it worked. 

"Okay, just one last thing. It's friday for you, isn't it?" He asked. "Yes, it's friday. Why?" I questioned. 

"Well, then get yourself ready, take a long ass shower, make yourself look good, watch out for an cool club and make some party." He laughed. "You need to get your ass out of that fucking flat, Millie. Get yourself shitfaced and then make some cool friends." 

"Actually, that sounds like an idea I could get along with. Thanks Isaac. I'm going to call you soon okay? Tell everyone I said hi except Mo.." - "I know, except Mom and Dad. They just want the best for yo.." This time I interrupted him. 

"I know, they only want the best for me, blah blah. I don't want to hear any of that bullshit Isaac! They never wanted my best, they just wanted me to go so they wouldn't have to cope with me. Shut the fuck up, I don't want to hear any of that. Love you, now bye." I didn't wait for an answer, he got on my nerves with that 'they only want the best thing' shit. 

He knew that I wouldn't believe it anyway, so why would he try everytime to convince me about his bullshit. 

I rubbed my temples to get rid of my headache. I actually considered going out tonight, but I didn't knew about any clubs here. Would Holmes Chapel even have clubs here? If yes, wouldn't it be awkward to just go by myself and try to make some friends? 

Well, I wouldn't know, if I wouldn't try. 

I got out of my chair, walked through the patio door and on my way to the bathroom I already undressed myself. It was already 6pm and I wanted to look smoking hot tonight. 

I got in the shower and rinsed my body off, washed my hair and shaved. I put some conditioner in my hair to make them a little softer and when I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair, I got out of the shower. 

I put a towel around my body and one around my hair and walked back into my room. I took my favorite lingerie out of my closet, a black lace bra and a matching black thong and put it on after I dried my body off. 

I didn't know if England was fancy when it came to going out. So I tried to keep it casual, but not too casual. I put on a short, wide cut, black dress with some patterns around the neck. I was confident with my body, so I didn't even bother putting on some leggins or something like that. 

Then I went back to my bathroom, blow dried my hair and plugged in my hair straightener. Until it got hot, I put on some make up. I applied a little make up and concealer, put on some nude eyeshadow and then placed a thin line of eyeliner on my eyes. I applied a few layers of mascara and looked proud in the mirror. Then I straightened my hair and ruffled it up again. I never liked my hear neat, I always wanted them a bit messy. 

I looked at my phone to see that I've wasted over two hours in the bathroom. It was already 9.32pm. 
I took a bottle of wine out of my fridge and seated myself outside on the balcony for another smoke. 
I googled for a club and quickly found one. It was called 'red roosters' and they even had an event today. I clicked on a link, which took me straight to a facebook event. 

'Neon Party with DJ Sugar' was all it said. But the event had 345 attends, so it should be pretty fun. 
I looked for the directions and sipped my wine while scrolling through the people who attended the party. When I came to an end of the list, I had already downed half of the bottle of wine, I wouldn't go sober so I needed to hurry up. I placed my phone on my little garden table and downed the other half of the bottle. I was already used to alcohol, so it wasn't that hard for me. 

I took the last drag of my cigarette and put it in the ashtray. Then I went inside again, grabbed my cardigan and my purse and put my phone, money, cigarettes, a lighter and my keys in there. I put on some black and white sneakers, I was never one to wear high heels, I think I would break an ankle if I wore them.

Then I called a cab and went outside to wait there. 

After a few minutes I heard someone clearing their throat. I instantly turned around and saw Harry looking at me. 

"Hey, are you going out tonight, too?" He smiled. 

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