20 - another round

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I knew that she wanted me to stay, but to be really really honest, I was way too hyped to go to sleep. My mood was the best I've had in a long time and I didn't wanted to let it go to waste.

I decided to get a drink with David. I called him right when I left Millie's apartment, he confirmed and after I showered and got dressed again in a skinny jeans, a Calvin Klein shirt and a plaid blouse over it, I left my apartment.

I walked along the empty streets, strolling towards my favourite bar here. Not that there were many, but you get my point. I already saw David standing outside, impatiently tapping his foot against the pavement.
When he noticed me, he waved his hand I just grinned widely.

"Whoa, what's gotten your mood this good? Finally had a good fuck?" he instantly asked and I rolled my eyes in response. "No?" I chuckled and he just eyed me curiously.
"If you say so." he lifted his eyebrows and gestured for us to go in.

We found a spot in middle of the bar, for a Monday evening it was actually packed. But I guess it was because of the football game on TV. We took a seat and Romy instantly spotted us, the girl who worked in the bar, who I may or may not have hooked up with. She always tried to serve my table, I guess she didn't really knew that I just hooked up with her, not wanting anything more.

"Hey David." she greeted, not really paying attention to him, her eyes already glued to me, "Hey Harry." she smiled and I just awkwardly smiled back. "Hey Romy. Can you get us two cider's?" I asked and she nodded eagerly. "Of course. You look really good today, Harry." she grinned and when she walked away she accidentally brushed my shoulder.


When she walked away, David took his phone out and started typing something, not minding me anymore.
"Hey, would you mind putting your phone down and having an actual conversation with me?" I asked upset. "Why? I thought that's how it goes?" He asked obviously confused. "When she usually came you most likely left right after to have a good time in the bathroom?" He stated and I widened my eyes in shock.
"I never told you.." I started but he hold his hand up to interrupt me. "I'm not stupid, Styles. I know what you've done every time you left. She got out a few minutes before you, grinning with messy hair and trying to adjust her make up again. After that you left the bathroom, clothes a bit ruffled and your hair sticking in all directions." He shrugged like it was nothing. "And I always patiently waited here like a puppy for it's owner." He laughed.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry David." I chuckled. I really didn't knew that he noticed what was up to when I left to fuck Romy. Not that I cared, but still.

"But you can put your fucking phone down, because I'm not going anywhere." I smiled, leaning back in my chair.
"Why not, though?" he raised and eyebrow and I just shrugged. "I'm not in the mood?" I stated, but it sounded more like a question.
"Harry Styles, not in the mood to destroy some vagina? Are you sick?" he suddenly widened his eyes and slammed his fist on the table, making me jump a little, "Are you love sick?" he yelled.

"Put your voice down, will you?" I whisper yelled and he just put his hand on his cheeks, opening his mouth wide, to be extra dramatic. "Oh my god, are you in love?" He asked, his voice low now.
"Where is this fucking beer." I mumbled and as if on cue, Romy appeared behind David, placing our beer on the table and putting her hand on my shoulder. "Here guys. Hope you enjoy your beer." she winked at me, which actually grossed me out, but I still nodded friendly.

"Talk!" David demanded after Romy left and I sighed.
"It's Millie." I started, but David couldn't shut his mouth. "That blonde chic you brought the last time? I thought she was just a hook up?"
"If you could just let me talk, I could explain." I shot, a bit annoyed. "Sorry, yes. Talk loverboy." He grinned and I just rolled my eyes.

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