08 - step after step

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I woke up, because someone was snoring into my ear. I was a bit confused, since it was still dark outside and I couldn't see my surroundings. But then it snapped. 

That scent was everything I needed, to know where I was. 
At Harry's. 

Not only at Harry's, but on his couch, cuddled up into his arms. 
I remebered everything that happened yesterday, that I punched that girl, Harry's asthma attack, me almost opening up. Not that I was suprised that I remembered, I wasn't that drunk, just a bit more than being tipsy. 

Carefully, not wanting to wake Harry up, I wiggled myself out of his, may I say comforting, hold. 
He was nothing but nice to me yesterday, so I wouldn't just go without a word. 
I stood up from the couch, walked to my purse that I had left somewhere on the floor and pulled my cigarettes out. Then I walked to the balcony and sat on the chair that Harry placed there. 

I lit my cigarette and unlocked my phone. 
5.34 am. 

I knew, sleeping wasn't an option anymore. I'm an insomniac. 
So I just turned on some music that I had on my phone, put the volumes down, so only I could hear it and watched Holmes Chapel coming to life to Ed Sheeran singing 'Give me love'. 
It was one of my favorite songs. Ed Sheeran was my favorite artist, he could put emotions into words, like no one else. And he made everything sound so poetic, it was amazing. 

I closed my eyes and hummed along the chorus. 

"Give a little time to me or burn this out
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around
All I want is the taste that your lips allow
My, my, my, my, oh, give me love.

"You have a beautiful voice." I jumped at the sudden interruption. 

I glared at the patio door, seeing Harry smirking.
His curly hair was all ruffled up and his eyes seemed tired. 
He still wore his shirt and black skinny jeans, could he even breathe in them?

"Fucking shit, you scared the living hell out of me." I shot. 
He chuckled, "sorry, wasn't my intention." 

"'course not." I grumbled. 

Harry just laughed, went inside and came seconds later back, with his own cigarettes. 
He placed himself on the chair next to the table, that stood between us and lit his own cigarette. 

"Do you think it's smart smoking, when you're having asthma?" I asked confused. 
"No, it's actually the most stupid thing I could do, but someday I'm dying either way, so I don't give a fuck actually." He answered, not looking at me, while I was watching his face. 
"True." I shrugged. 

Then I watched the streets, getting more and more busy. The sun was already rising and everything was colored in orange and red. 
Actually, I think that this is the most beautiful time of the day. 
When everything is quiet and you can hear the birds chirping and the trees rustling. When everyone was still asleep and you were alone with your thoughts. When you could just lay back and watch the world waking up. A new day for everyone, so new chances. Everything about early mornings are so fucking beautiful. 

"A penny for your thoughts?" Harry asked. 
I looked at him, smiled and looked back at our garden again. 
"Do you think, that someone will wake up today and because of one little thing that happens, his world will change forever?" I asked back, without caring that this may sound stupid. I often thought about that when I lived in Michigan. 

If one day, I wake up and something happens, that will change my life forever. 

"Yes. Maybe this car," he pointed to an blue peugeot that drove out of his parking lot, "the owner, I mean, will find the love of his life, because he decided to get coffee. Or this girl," he pointed to an little girl, who walked hand in hand with her dad along the sidewalk, "will see a dog, and she will see that dogs are nice and lovely, and then she will conquer her fear of dogs." Harry was deep in his own thoughts. 

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