Day 14 pt. 7

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Evelyn couldn't believe the two of them, they both just left her there while they went out on dates with a shape shifting, probably immortal killer on the loose no less well she wasn't taking this lying down she could say that much. The second they had left she had gone out to the rotting iron fence and kicked one of the bars where it was rusting until it came loose.

Was she damaging property that wasn't hers?

Unfortunately she had to admit that yes she was.

Now, did she give a flying fuck given the circumstances?

No, she most certainly did not.

She then raced back into the house and started her watch, of course she wouldn't be standing right at the door but she figured if Renestrae and Kaloria were right about the Iron thing then, having a beating stick that could actually hurt the thing wouldn't hurt. One thing was for sure, she had learned her lesson with the arrows.

Personally she was just thanking her lucky stars that Renestrae did not have her bow in reaching distance when she accidentally shot her. She loved Ren she really did but the girl had a temper and she would not have put it past her to forget that killing the friend that just put an arrow in her shoulder was illegal. Of course it didn't really help that, unlike herself, Renestrae was an excellent shot. If she meant to hit you in your shoulder then that's where she hit you, and if she meant to hit you between the eyes guaranteeing an instant death then she did not hit you in the shoulder.

Nope, people with anger issues like Renestrae should not be allowed to possess deadly skills like she did, but even Evelyn, who until today had prided herself on being logical and not fantasizing about things that would never happen and were completely in the realm of impossibility, had to admit that right or not, safe or not, injured or not, Renestrae just might have been their only hope.

God help them all if that was true.

Evelyn sighed to herself. "Well Ren, it looks like you're my Obi-wan Kenobi." It took Evelyn a moment to realize what she'd just said but as soon as she did she made up her mind that she would never, ever, under any circumstances let the girls know about that. If they knew that even a little bit of their dorky behavior had sunk in then they would never let her live it down.

The Kelpie's Curse (book #1 in the Kelpie's Entrapment trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now