Day 14 pt. 2

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Renestrae couldn't believe how forgetful she was sometimes, here they had driven all the way into town to have some seriously needed wind down time and she had forgotten her I.D. It wouldn't have been a problem, really if she looked her age, but fortunately and unfortunately she aged gracefully, as her mother said. It was a nice way to say she was twenty-one and people still asked her if she was fifteen. Really it was ridiculous.

She was just thinking about how Evelyn was probably going to make fun of her by saying something like, "You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached." when she opened the door, was knocked a step back and suddenly felt a burning pain in her shoulder.

What the-

An arrow, there was an arrow sticking out of her shoulder. Slowly she looked up and sure enough there was Evelyn, in the stance she had shown her, looking quite satisfied until their eyes connected.

Part of her noted that Evelyn looked guilty, and probably thought she had been someone else but the other part, the much larger part was in pain and felt betrayed and had never been more angry in her entire life. Honestly she couldn't have helped the words that came out of her mouth in that moment if she had tried, and she didn't even want to try.


Evelyn took a step forward. "Ren, I-"

"-YOU FUCKING SHOT ME!" She shouted again, well screamed is more like it. She could hear Kaloria getting out of the car and though it was a good thing they didn't have any neighbors out here she honestly didn't care who heard her.

"Oh my god, what happened." Kaloria asked as she ran up the steps she was just about to touch Renestrae's shoulder when the girl in question growled at her.

"Touch me and it's the last thing you ever do, Kali!"

Instantly Kali looked taken aback. "Ren, I'm your friend. It's not like I would hurt you on purpose."

Renestrae turned fully around and Kaloria gasped as she took in the sight of the arrow. "Oh really, because my other friend just shot me using the skill set that I taught her! You'll have to excuse me if I don't have much faith in my friends at the moment!"

Kaloria put her hands up in a defensive gesture. "I understand but why don't you calm down and I'll take you to the hospital."

Renestrae was just about to shout at her that she wasn't going to calm down, not after what that bitch had done when the word hospital penetrated the red haze over her mind. Yes, she needed to get to the hospital, preferably before she walked over and killed her friend. A possibility that seemed more likely the more the seconds ticked by.

She didn't bother responding, instead she walked past Kaloria, got into the car and desperately tried to not cry. As for the seatbelt, well Kali better drive safe there was no way in hell she was going to try putting that thing on.

Only seconds later she was joined in the car by Kaloria in the driver's seat and Evelyn in the back. For crying out loud didn't the girl get that she didn't want to be in so much as the same country as her let alone the same vehicle?

Obviously not.

She shifted in the seat, trying to sit up straighter but the movement jarred the arrow, causing her to hiss in pain.

"Sweetie are you alright?" Evelyn asked.

That was it, that was the last thing, the last straw and it sent her over the edge. If this was a cartoon she'd be seeing red. "No I'm not alright, you shot me! Just what the hell were you thinking?!" Instantly she started feeling light headed, she then looked down at her grey Jimmy Hendrix shirt only to find that it was covered in blood. "Oh shit I'm bleeding."

"Holy fuck, Kali drive!" Evelyn shouted.

The Kelpie's Curse (book #1 in the Kelpie's Entrapment trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now