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This place was absolutely depressing.

If I didn't know any better, I would kill myself just by staying down here for even a few countless hours.

I sighed, appearing in Father's dreadful "snake room" in which I called it. There was nothing but a huge and pointless snake on one end, pillars spaced out evenly in the room. Whatever light came through this room made it even more depressing. I almost wanted to cry. But the only light source came from the eyes of the large snake statue. Father really is a creepy one.

I laid myself on the nose of the huge snake, combing my long wavy hair with my fingers. So far, all I had done in this dreadful place was sleep, eat, and watch the Uchiha train with my bastard of a father.

Orochimaru wasn't actually my father. I was the first of the one other shinobi he had successfully performed his experiments on, and survived. He had taken me under his wing ever since, not valuing me only because I was the only one who had survived his experiment at the time, but also for my strength.

Getting back on topic, this time around, Father was late, and I didn't want to be around Sasuke when he begun to complain, since that was all he did most of the time.

So I left the training arena the split second Sasuke turned his back on me, finding myself in this snake room.

I had almost completely dozed off when I suddenly felt his presence appear before me.

"What the hell are you doing Miyako?" He growled.

I sighed. "Damn. You caught me." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Of course I did. Just what the hell are you doing, lounging around like a lazy ass?!" Sasuke snapped.

"I'm tired. I wanted to take a nap." I said in annoyance. Geez, this guy.

"You chose to nap over sparring with me?!" He snapped in his annoyed tone.

"Duh." I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.


It was silent for a few moments, so I took that time to try and fall asleep again.

"Why the hell is your father late?"

"Don't ask me. How would I know?" I snapped, really getting irritated with the Uchiha.

"You're right. Sorry, maybe I should ask someone with more brains."

I was on top of him in a second, my hand clenched tightly around his neck, my other on his chest.

He looked up at me with his deadly sharingan eyes, a smirk played on his lips.

"You are so short tempered, its amusing." He said.

Look who's talking, fool.

I shut my eyes as I slowly peeled myself off of him, telling myself repeatedly to breathe, to not waste my time on this bastard, to just go back up on the snake and ignore his snarky remarks..

Its funny. Not too long ago, he wasn't that bad. I mean, he was bad, but he wasn't that bad.


Years Before

"Miyako, darling."

I opened my eyes, not realizing until now that I had fallen asleep in the training arena.

I sat up slowly, as Father's figure slowly came into vision, along with a new smaller figure.

I met his hard gaze the minute my eyesight cleared up, as he stared into my eyes in boredom.

His eyes held a red glint, a black symbol in each orb.


"Father, why do you have an Uchiha with you?" I asked.

"Sasuke Uchiha. He will be your new friend, Miyako. But you won't be able to kill him like you did with your other friends."

I shot Father a glare as he chuckled.

"Relax, darling. I want you and him to spar for a bit while I go take care of a little business... Is that alright with you, Sasuke?" Father asked him. Not that Father cared.

"Whatever." Was all Sasuke said as he rolled his eyes, arms crossed.

I narrowed my gaze at him.

"Alrighty, now. You two have fun. Try not to cause too much commotion now, alright?" And with those words, Father disappeared from my sight.

Heh. As if that was possible.

I wasted no time.

I appeared inches from the Uchiha's face, catching him by surprise as I spun around and swung my foot at him.

He blocked it with his forearm, pushing me back.

Not bad.

And then I was above him, swinging my foot down over his head.

But he dodged it, my foot colliding with the ground as it crumbled and shattered into bits from the impact.

Sasuke was now panting slightly as he watched me closely with his sharingan gleaming in his eyes.

I smiled at him, causing his eyes to widen slightly in surprise.

And then I was in front of him.

He jumped back a few feet at our close proximity, a confused expression on his face as to why I didn't attack.

I laughed slightly. This just now-- this was not sparring. It might have been to him, but it wasn't to me.

I was just messing with him; seeing what this Uchiha is like.

And I'm not lying when I say he is weak. Sure, he has the sharingan. But he is like a baby. At least Father has taken him in to train him.

"I won't use all my strength on you, Uchiha." I told him, before turning on my heel and walking off.

"Coward. Leaving in the middle of a fight?" Uchiha called out.

I smirked, glancing back at his annoyed expression. "That was just a test of your skill, Uchiha. And in that, I was also testing how weak I could make my assault. I was just warming up."

His eyes widened in shock.

I giggled. "Don't worry, Uchiha. No way would I spar with you, at least not right now. You're too weak and pathetic to spend my time on."

i don't own Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, just Miyako, that is all.

this story takes place in Naruto Shippuden- where Sasuke and Sai meet for the first time.

i hope you enjoy this little twist in the tale!

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя