III: Rage

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"Me?" Orochimaru looked shock for a brief second before he broke out into a smile.

"What is this about you and Danzo ganging up?! Why the hell was I not told about this?!" I roared.

"Ah. So Sai, or Kabuto, has told you."

"I deserve to know whatever the hell you're planning. Its like I've been kept in the dust ever since the brat Uchiha arrived!"

The arena shook under the force of my voice as I took an angry step towards Orochimaru, but I felt his disgusting snakes wrap around my legs, keeping me from coming any closer.

"Who're you calling a brat?!" Sasuke retorted.

In that instant I snapped my eyes to his, holding his gaze steady, about to perform my visual jutsu on the mongrel before he averted his eyes quickly.

"Shut up, Uchiha. Its because of you I'm being kept in the dust anyway!!"

"Quit complaining, Princess!"

"Now now. Don't get Miyako worked up any more than she already i-"

I broke free from Orochimaru's snakes, using my chakra to disappear from their sight.

Even this was something the sharingan couldn't see.

But because I'd been around Sasuke for almost three years, he could read my abilities pretty well.

Well, the abilities Father had inserted in me when I was his test subject.

I pressed my palm lightly on Sasuke's back as I heard his small gasp.

And then he was sent flying across the arena.

I turned my attention onto Orochimaru, but he wasn't there anymore.

I growled in annoyance, turning to go after Sasuke, only to be met by an unscratched Sasuke as an amused smirk played on his lips.

"I can read your moves, Miyako. There's no point in-"

I swung my foot up, kicking him in his junk.

His face turned red as he hunched over in pain.

"Maybe, but you can't read that, idiot."

I gasped when I suddenly felt a pressure applied on my back, as the chakra I had been emitting was drastically drained.

I crumpled on my knees, gasping for air as my body trembled.

Orochimaru had just drained me of my chakra, simply by writing a symbol on a small piece of paper, applying it to the center of my chakra control.

"Now now, darling. You understand fairly well why I had to do that, hm?" Orochimaru spoke above me.

I continued to pant hard as I stared at the ground, still in shock of how much that bastard held over me.

"I was getting out if control." I stated through clenched teeth.

"Good. We don't want that thing inside of you to take control of you now, do we?"

I clenched my teeth in anger, shutting my eyes as I sat there feeling weak. I hated that feeling.

"Sasuke. Be a good boy and take Miyako back to her room." Orochimaru said.

"No. We haven't even finished-"

"We'll have plenty of time for that later." I could hear the grin on that bastard's face.

When I felt Orochimaru's presence disappear, I let out an amused laugh.

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя