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I was not expecting to see purple rippled eyes right in front of me as soon as I slammed Sasuke's door shut.

Pain watched me with his emotionless expression as always, as he just stood there examining me like I was his subject.

Not wanting Sasuke to hear us, I grabbed Pain by the arm, dragging him down the hallway with me until we were a good distance in which Sasuke wouldn't hear us.

"Are you stalking me now?"

"I felt your panic. I couldn't feel your chakra for a second."

I rose an eyebrow up at him, crossing my arms as a smirk formed on my lips.

"So you are stalking me then."

"Were bonded."

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"When you kissed me. I left a sliver of my chakra inside you, as you did in me."

I frowned. "How-?"

"Thats how I was able to sense your panic. And then your chakra disappeared for a mere second, replaced by the dragon inside you."

"Okay.. well, thanks for worrying about me." I said as I started walking away, but felt his presence following close behind me.

"Why are you following me?"

"I was instructed by Madara Uchiha to watch Sasuke closely."

"Then why are you following me?"

"Did he hurt you."

I froze in my steps, feeling him stop just
mere inches behind me.

It wasn't more of a question than a demand.

But I ignored him as I continued back to who knows where. I didn't even have an official room in this secluded cave system. Perhaps I should find Jugo. He was the only one I actually liked anyway.

I gasped when Pain appeared in front of me as I ran straight into his chest.

I shoved him from me in irritation, only to have him grab my wrists.

"I lied." He spoke in his same monotone tone.


"I heard Madara Uchiha tried to kill you."

I snatched my wrists from his hold.

"So what? You came to take pity on me?"

"I heard you had woken up. I needed to see for myself."

I tried to give him a pleasant smile. "How thoughtful of you. But if you would please now. I need to go find Jugo."

"So this is the reason you left me?!"

I turned around to see a shirtless Sasuke standing a far distance away from us. I instantly stepped away from Pain, only for him to grab my wrist again.

"You tried to force yourself on her." Pain pointed out in his same tone.

"Pain, you should leave." I warned him.


"Please don't make this situation worse than it is."

His eyes trailed down to meet mine, his harshened gaze softening as he stared at me.

"I will leave... only with you."

"She is not going anywhere with you."

I jumped when Sasuke's voice appeared right behind me.

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя