IV: A Beautiful Reunion

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The faint squeaking of little mice echoed in my ears, stirring me awake.

I opened a single eye to see a little mouse sneaking through the cracks of the door.

With a snap of my finger the mouse was split in half, leaving behind a small puddle of ink.

I sat up in bed, combing my fingers through my long, tangled hair. I turned my head slightly, a feeling of uneasiness washing over me.

Something strange this way comes.

I made my way quietly to the exit, opening the door slowly.

Popping my head out, I looked from side to side to make sure no one was in the hallway.


Now, off to make my way to Sasuke. Maybe he could figure out for me what this odd feeling was.

And besides, I'm still feeling rather weak from Father sucking the raging chakra from my body.

I stood still, closing my eyes and focusing on Sasuke's chakra. When I finally sensed his faint chakra, I performed a simple hand sign, my chakra enveloping me as I disappeared from sight, swiftly pursuing Sasuke's presence.

My eyes widened at the sight before me when I had reached the door to the room Sasuke was sleeping in.


I grinned. What do we have here?

I stood right behind Sai, making sure the detection of my chakra stayed at an absolute zero.

I rose an eyebrow as I watched three ink snakes making their way to Sasuke, sliding their way up his bed and hovering right above him.

Hmm. Maybe I should do something.

"Who's there?"

Of course, Sasuke wasn't actually asleep.

A slight gasp escaped Sai's mouth. "So, you do know I'm here. Well, regardless I still have the advantage."

"What do you want?"

"Well, if you mean Lord Danzo, his objective is to bury you.

But me, I have come here.. to take you back to the Leaf."

My eyes widened in surprise and my jaw dropped in sync.


"When I first started out, I did so with the sole intention of ending your life. But then.. Naruto changed my mind."

I smiled. Naruto, eh? That annoying.. yet admirable brat.

"You share something with him, a bond of friendship that Naruto is desperately holding onto. And I'm here to protect it."

Aww! How cute!

"A bond?" Sasuke spat bitterly. "Is that really your excuse for waking me up?"

My eyes widened when Sai gasped in alarm, pulling his hand to his face as he performed a hand sign.

The snaked suddenly doubled in count as they all wrapped themselves around Sasuke.


I performed transportation jutsu just as the explosion blew off.

Sasuke you bastard. You could've killed me you prick.

I knelt on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the mess of a crater Sasuke had just blown off.

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя