XXVIII: Formation

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"That's Suigetsu." Sasuke said.

"Let's forget about that nuisance, okay, Sasuke?" Karin spoke innocently, inching closer towards him.

"You.. Don't get so close." Sasuke warned, putting his arm out so she wouldn't get any closer.

"Look.. What's wrong with just you and me? We don't need a guy like Suigetsu."

"Your cunning and sense of caution, and especially your power to sense chakra.. From the moment I met you, I knew I could use you."

At that moment the door shattered into pieces, Suigetsu leaning on his sword at the doorway.

"Geez. I wonder what the princess would say if she found out about you and Karin locked in a room together. But let's go, Sasuke. She turned you down, didn't she?"

"L-lady Miyako?" Karin stuttered out. Fear flashed through her eyes.

"Yeah. She's part of this team. In fact, she was the first one Sasuke recruited." Suigetsu said with an amused smirk, well aware of Karin's burning jealousy for Miyako for spending so much time around Sasuke.

"Karin is coming, Suigetsu." Sasuke said, ignoring the hatred literally steaming off of Karin.

In truth, he wanted to get this done and over with, since they still had to retrieve Jugo. He wanted to get back to Miyako as quickly as possible, worried about how she'd be reacting the the way he had departed from her.


Those created only for the will of man will die off once the will of man is achieved.

Stop replying to my questions with unnecessary statements, Shiroryuu!

I paced before her in frustration, as her glowing blue eyes gazed down lazily at me.

Sasuke was just worried about your well being.

So he just left me in the middle of the night, leaving nothing but a note saying he'll be back in a few days and to not go anywhere?! If he were worried about my well being then he would have brought me along!!

Bringing you along would have placed you in greater danger.

I swear to God, if the only reason he did this is because I almost died-

It probably is.

Uhh! That stupid ass bastard! Thinking he knows what's best for me!

Don't worry. If something happens, I will protect you.

I don't need your help. I can protect myself. I'm not some stupid and weak child that needs to be watched over all the time.

You almost got yourself killed. So apparently, you are.

Shut up. You aren't helping.

Sometimes the help you want isn't the kind you need.

Please, Shiroryuu. Enough with the random statements.

The old Miyako would have never allowed herself to get into that kind of mess.

Excuse me??

You're affected by Orochimaru's death. That is understandable since he was your Father and raised you from as far as you can remember. It's impossible to not react in anyway possible at his death.

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя