XXXII: Emotions

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A bird perched itself upon Jugo's shoulder as the Hebi continued their walk towards one of the hideouts of the Akatsuki.

Jugo stopped in his tracks as the bird chirped a warning.

"What is it, Jugo?" Suigetsu had stopped as well, noticing that Jugo was no longer following behind them.

"I can't sense anything. Your birds must be playing games on you." Karin said as she crossed her arms.

"A water dragon holding the body of a beautiful mistress is fast approaching us." Jugo said.

"Tch. If there were something coming, trust me, I'd know." Karin said in annoyance.

"Not unless its Miyako." Sasuke spoke.


"Miyako's alive?!!" Suigetsu squealed in excitement.

"Miyako created a bond with a water dragon who she also called Miyako."

"Miyako named her dragon Miyako? How self centered!" Karin snapped.

"She named it Miyako because she believed it to be the mere reflection of her personality. And not only that, but the Dragon's special but dangerous ability is the ability to keep her chakra hidden from any living thing in the world." Sasuke explained.

"So it really is Miyako!!" Suigetsu grinned in joy. Karin rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Be on your guard when she arrives. I have a feeling she'll be angry." Sasuke advised.

"Well, duh! You kind of just left her there to die!"

"Shut up, Suigetsu!! He couldn't have known that!!!" Karin snapped.

"But I did."

Karin's eyes widened at Sasuke's response.

"She's here." Jugo said as another bird perched on his other shoulder.

Sasuke looked up and surely enough, the water dragon was charging at him through the skies, Miyako's body inside her.

Sasuke leapt to the side as the dragon landed where he had been standing, the ground underneath her melting into lava.

Sasuke's eyes were on Miyako, as she floated within the belly of the water dragon.

Her old and injured skin was floating into bits around her as the water dragon's healing abilities soothed her skin. And not only that, but with Shiroryuu's help the healing process had escalated quicker. Miyako opened her eyes, seeing water all around her as the surrounding wavered through her vision. She clasped her hands together as Miyako the water dragon dispersed slowly, leaving steaming water in her wake as the burning ground turned to ash.

Miyako stood there head to toe, her haori still shredded to bits. But her skin looked spotless again, as she looked off into the distance, facing away from the Hebi.

She lifted her hand up to her left eye, wincing as she touched it with her bare finger.

Without even looking at a mirror, she knew her eye was back to a gold.

She turned and faced them, just as a single drop of blood trailed down her cheek.

Sasuke didn't flinch as she suddenly appeared in front of him, sending his head cracking to the side painfully as her fist collided with his face.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Karin snapped as she held on to Sasuke, placing her hands on his shoulders. She sent Miyake a warning glare.

Miyako lifted her arm, pointing her finger at Karin's forehead.

Before she could her jutsu on Karin, Jugo placed his hand over her forearm.

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