XXX: Confrontation

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I saw a glint from the corner of my eye charging at me in unmatchable speed.

I snapped my head to the direction it came from, seeing a dark shadow charging at me.

Sasuke noticed it to for he stepped in between us as it continued to charge at us in full speed.

But a sharp gasp escaped my lips as I watched the shadow go right through Sasuke's body.

The last thing I could see was his rage filled eyes on me, his face tightened in confusion as he reached his hand out to mine.

And then the shadow collided with my stomach, sending me shooting backwards, through dozens of trees. My veil that had covered my eyes flew off in the process. I had surrounded myself with my own chakra to limit the impact it would have had on my body.

I yelped in pain as I felt my back hit a jagged rock, my back colliding with its sharp point. It pierced through my skin and barely nicked my spine, as I sent out a pained cry.

I fell to the ground, trying quickly to formulate a plan in my mind as I pushed myself up slowly to my feet. Thankfully Shiroryuu was already at work as the horrid pain in my back started to disappear just as quickly as it came.

"Who are you?"

I lifted my head at the sound of a deep voice, meeting striking purple eyes, that held an intense ripple pattern within.

An Akatsuki.

I smirked, pushing myself up to my feet.

"Most people call me Princess." I knew I shouldn't kid around in this kind of situation, since I had no idea what I was up against.

"Am I correct that you are one of Orochimaru's experiments?" He directed with narrowed eyes.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sadly, yes."

"You're the only one of Orochimaru's experiments that I have not heard of. And why is that?"

"Because he's a bastard. And besides, I'm your future wife." I grinned, trying to lighten up this uncomfortable situation I was in.

His glare harshened.

I put my hands up in surrender. "I'm kidding! Geez!"

He continued to scrutinize me with his intimidating eyes. And not only that, but he had... bolts and stuff implanted in his face. Doesn't that hurt?

But besides that... Should I tell him the truth? This guy looks pretty scary, which makes him powerful. I'd love to fight him, but there was also the chance of endangering Shiroryuu, which I couldn't let happen. As Father had told me many times, once the Akatsuki find out who I truly am, they'll all come after me in their kick ass flock.

But something tells me this guy wouldn't leave unless I gave him what he wanted.

"Why would Orochimaru have kept a girl by the likes of you locked away?"

"I'm his daughter." I said.

The Akatsuki was in front of my face in a split second, peering down into my eyes.

From the looks of it, he didn't believe me.

"He never had a daughter."

"As of six years ago he did."

"Then you aren't the reason he left the Akatsuki."

"Obviously not." I said matter of factly, crossing my arms.

"Your chakra control is impressive." I would have taken that as a compliment if he still wasn't glaring down at me, invading my personal space.


Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя