"Who the hell does she think she is, betraying us like that?!" Karin snapped in annoyance, pacing back and forth in front of the other three Taka.
"Gah.. You're so annoying." Suigetsu sighed as he scratched the back of his neck, leaning against the stone wall.
"Shut up! She deserves to be punished, right, Sasu-"
"Quiet." Sasuke warned.
Jugo stayed silent as he watched them interact, a sadness in his heart for Miyako.
Sasuke pushed off the wall when the sound of footsteps could be heard down the hall.
Madara appeared from the shadows, stopping a few feet in front of them.
"Miyako's betrayal cannot go unseen." He started.
"But she didn't betray us. She gave us the Eight Tailed Jinchuriki in the end." Jugo stepped forth.
"Jugo." Karin warned with a harsh whisper.
"You are correct on that last part. But her loyalty was never with you now, Sasuke, am I correct?"
"Her loyalty lies with no one. I could care less what she chooses to do." Sasuke spoke in his emotionless tone. He spoke false words, knowing her loyalty lied in Naruto, as much as it pained and irritated him. And he did care, so much in fact, about her actions.
Madara smirked in amusement under his mask. He could tell beyond his lies, even through Sasuke's stoic face, how much he cared for the princess.
"Then you won't care the punishment I choose for her?" Madara questioned.
Sasuke's eyes narrowed.
"If you hurt her, you'll regret it." Sasuke warned.
Madara grinned. "See? All Miyako will be is trouble to you, she's even caused a dent in this alliance already. For everyone's safety, I will have her locked up and under strict watch. She'll never be able to escape unless I allow it."
Sasuke gritted his teeth together in annoyance. He didn't feel comfortable at all handing her over to the Akatsuki like that. Maybe this was a part of Madara's plan, but this is not what Sasuke had imagined would happen.
"No harm will come to her, I promise." Madara added.
Sasuke was silent still as his team members watched him with nervous eyes.
"You should be thanking me. I'm doing you a favor." Madara said in amusement as he turned in his heel.
"Wait." Sasuke called out.
Madara looked over his shoulder as he grinned underneath his mask.
"Take me to her."
The first thing that went through my mind as I slowly woke up to pure darkness and the musky smell of an enclosed cell was you definitely screwed up this time, idiot.
I knew Sasuke was one to not put me in a tight space of a cell, so I instantly assumed that this was the Akatsuki's doing.
And I didn't even bother to act surprised as my eyes focused to a set of purple rippled eyes a few feet ahead of me.
I tried to stand up on my feet but I found my arms and legs bound together by heavy chakra limiting chains.
"You're awake." Pain spoke, his voice echoing off the walls.

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)
Fanfiction"Where does your loyalty lie, Miyako? Does it lie with your truth, or with Sasuke Uchiha?" • Sasuke x OC