Miyako collapsed onto her knees, the feeling of her life being sucked out of her sending the most agonizing pain to all parts of her body.
Sasuke watched her, worry and panic glinting in his eyes as he made a move towards her.
"No, Sasuke.. D-don't bother with me." Miyako gasped out. She could feel Shiroryuu raging inside of her, but even through this pain she forced Shiroryuu down, wanting to shield her from this.
"What did you do to her?!" Sasuke roared, his expression filled with fury as he looked up at Orochimaru.
"I've just simply lifted the wall on her memories. Well, the memories on all my experiments on her, that is. Even the first. It may be true that I cannot kill Miyako, but instead, I can have her kill herself."
Orochimaru then charged at Sasuke, fangs jutting out as Sasuke jumped up, landing on his scales. Small snakes shot out from Orochimaru's snake scales, but Sasuke cut them down easily.
Sasuke then flipped in the air as he landed on the opposite end of the room from Miyako, but he could not see her since Orochimaru was in between them.
More snakes charged at Sasuke as he flipped back, slicing a few of their heads off.
And then he flipped back around, sheathing his sword before removing his arms from his clothing that covered his torso, as it hung at his sides. Orochimaru's snakes begun to slither their way up Sasuke's legs, just as Sasuke's mark spread throughout his entire face to his torso, before dissolving into his skin as a star like mark appeared on his nose, his hair shifting to a long length and a gray color. The white in his eyes were now a dark gray, his lips matching the color of his hair as well.
"A snake that slithers on the ground can only dream of flying through the air." As Sasuke spoke, Orochimaru's snakes wrapped around him completely. "You wanted it so badly that you went after the fledgling in the nest.. that you went after the powers of a girl you abducted that even you cannot control... But you became targeted as the prey instead.." The snakes exploded around Sasuke as they fell into clumps around him. Wings created from his own body and skin protruded through Sasuke's back, his form confident as he continued to speak. "..by the eyes of a hawk soaring high above the sky."
Orochimaru sent another group if snakes to attack him. Sasuke swiftly dodged his attack, forming a chidori sword in his hand. Orochimaru's snakes followed him, but Sasuke shot into the air, slicing Orochimaru's snakes into pieces. Sasuke took that split moment to look over where Miyako laid, her body still trembled as she groaned and hissed at the pain, biting her lip so hard that blood trickled down her chin. She knew not to scream, not wanting to distract Sasuke from his true goal. He was thankful that she held in her screams as he turned his attention back to the Serpent.
Orochimaru charged at Sasuke again, jaw wide open. "Sasuke!!"
In a split second Sasuke was standing on the ground, towering before Orochimaru's shredded carcass.
"Its over.. That was too quick."
But Sasuke spoke too soon as he suddenly gasped, falling down onto one knee.
Orochimaru laughed. "Looks like its finally beginning to take effect.. The body fluid of the giant white snake vaporizes upon contact with the air and becomes an annesthetic. I am immortal. The likes of your jutsu cannot kill me! Now then.. I shall have you now!"
This pain.. I can't take it... Its like a never ending roller coaster. Images flashed through my eyes, images of my own self being cut up, images of Orochimaru injecting me with dozens of drugs that would cause my body to collapse most of the time.

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)
Fanfiction"Where does your loyalty lie, Miyako? Does it lie with your truth, or with Sasuke Uchiha?" • Sasuke x OC