XII: Recovery

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Tch. Speak of the devil.

Father's hand was locked around my wrist as he lowered my arm down to my side.

"Careful, darling. Might I remind you that it was Sasuke who beat you before?"

I gritted my teeth together in annoyance, yanking my arm away from him.

"Its only cause I was holding back. You know how I hate being controlled." I snapped.

Father laughed. "Very true indeed... But that still doesn't hide the fact that Sasuke has finally caught up to you, my princess."

I could feel the smirk on Sasuke's face.

I swear to god. When he's around other people, he acts all cool, like he's the most popular and powerful person there is, wearing his blank expression.

But around us, he's almost as bad as I am.

"Sasuke, I challenge you to a duel." I spat.


"But there's a catch. I'll be blindfolded."

"Sounds like an interesting plan. But I'm afraid I cannot let that happen." Father stated with a weary sigh.

"I'll fight you, princess, when you are fully recovered. And this time, I won't hold back."

I rose an eyebrow. He was holding back this entire time?

I grinned anyway. "Good. Neither will I. You can count yourself o-"



Miyako begun to tremble before my eyes.

I reached out a hand to touch her, but was shocked by her lightning instead. Just to be safe I retreated back a few feet away as I felt Kabuto appear behind me.

"Kabuto. What is the meaning of this?" Worry formed in the pit of my stomach.

"Her eyes were not the only thing affected by Sasuke's chidori. It not only damaged her visual jutsu, along with her vision, but it caused a disruption in her chakra network. Forcing herself to use so much in such little time will cause her to do... well, that."

I approached her slowly, wrapping my arms around her body. I ignored the lightning that coated her body as it shocked me, but I picked her up anyway. I could feel Sasuke's scrutinizing gaze judging us.


He slowly raised his eyes to mine.

"No more fighting with Miyako."

"You're asking me to do the impossible. And besides, she's the one always wanting to fight me." He spoke in that irritated tone of his.

I let out an amused laugh.

"Right. Let me rephrase that. You are the only one, besides myself, who has ever awakened the spirit sleeping inside of her. Do not fight her again, even if she wants you to, because if you do, she will not hesitate to kill you."

Loyalty (Sasuke Uchiha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя